Haggis- where to buy and best cooking method?

I'll be going out early on Thursday morning to catch one, they are best found around dusk as they enjoy drinking the morning dew. Got my net ready. Then will prepare it and steam it for a few hours. Will be enjoyed with neaps & mashed tatties. Will make a thick, Talisker sauce to go with it.
split into small 'meatballs' and deep fried in batter :) had them in a restaurant in Endinburgh and they were amazing!
Glad I saw this thread, will be cooking haggis on Friday night for the first time; the wife has never tried it except in a beefburger at Winter Wonderland so hopefully it will come out good. Think I'll go with the boil and oven method.
On way to buy some in asda, what's theirs like? Never had it before so I hope it's not god awful and tarnishes what I am expecting.
I just heard today that importing into the USA is banned because it contains sheep lung. I guess you can still get haggis over there it would just have to be made without the lung part.

I've now had haggis twice in two days. Restaurants doing special Burns themed menus is fine by me :)
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