Hair dying with a bald patch

I'm curious how many blokes dye their hair these days.

I've got really dark brown hair, and whilst it's a real thick head of hair (slim chance of going bald) I've been going grey since my early twenties.
I'm curious how many blokes dye their hair these days.

I've got really dark brown hair, and whilst it's a real thick head of hair (slim chance of going bald) I've been going grey since my early twenties.

i’m 31 and in the last couple of years i’ve gone a bit grey round the sides, actually its more silver/ white than gray. Its like having highlights, i dig it.
Thing is with colouring your hair, people will know you are doing it, doesn't matter how good you think you are at it, its kinda obvious, you ain't fooling anyone, and nobody really gives a crap, they have their own **** going on, so just bite the bullet and whip the lot off, once you have done it and adjusted to having no hair, you;ll be fine
Just shave what's left of your hair fairly close and let it go grey with dignity you fanny :p


I should point out at this stage that I'm quite bald, have been for more than a decade (I'm 36, started losing my hair on top at 16-17), am going grey both in what's left of my hair and in my beard and have long since made peace with it all. If you haven't made peace with apologies for the mean comment :o:)
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I do agree, men dying hair, very rarely pull it off.

The trouble is hair dying is associated with, well, look at Steven Seagal.

As an example of something I cannot understand (well I can - its Hollywood) Tom Cruise dyes his hair, yet when you watch Collateral..?

Decision is yours, I would recommend watching this chap. Never watched before until tonight, got some good advice. :)
I'm curious how many blokes dye their hair these days.

I've got really dark brown hair, and whilst it's a real thick head of hair (slim chance of going bald) I've been going grey since my early twenties.

I used to think that until I began feeling the top starting to thin! Still not an actual bald patch but definitely thinning!
Probably the last man standing on both hair colour, loss and receding out of all my friends now, at 41, that's a good innings. I had friends going grey in their 20s and some loosing seriously at 30
On the plus side, if it goes black people will stop slapping it because that would be racist.

Actually, if it goes black, that makes you racist.
We demand pictures, regardless of whatever route you choose :p

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