Half Life 2 and F.E.A.R announced for PS3

Half life 2 is on the xbox and has been out for ages on PC and fear is coming out for the 360 and has been out for ages on PC as well

Not very impressive really
I'm not surprised about F.E.A.R, but HL2?! It's a quite an old game now and I can't imagine there's many people who want to play it but haven't played it yet, so I don't really understand the idea behind that one, unless they're going to operate a Steam type system using the PS3 harddisk for content such as the upcoming Episodes etc?
Gimpymoo said:
Dont know if this as been discussed allready, but just thought would give an heads up.

Info as detailed on the front cover of latest PSM2 Magazine.

Whilst they were 'big titles' they weren't great games, certainly not FEAR anyway. If it was a full remake of Half Life (1) then I would be the happiest man alive.
I can't believe it's a big announcement for games that will be 1.5 and 2.5 years old by the time the console launches here (if rumours are true).
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