half life 3 screenies!!

MoNkeE said:
I don't understand where you're coming from with that. Why would it not look real because we know it's from a game? Depth of Field, motion blur, HDR - they're all effects based on what affects our vision. Sure, we're a while off yet, but what's to say it won't look real if we can master the art? And there's nothing stopping us from mastering the art; we just need more powerful machines to handle the complex shaders etc.. Saying that we'll never have "real" looking graphics is a bit naive - especially when you consider the advancements made in the last few years.

Until we get to the point where we can literally plug-in to games, we'll always be staring at a flat surface, so it is physically impossible to achieve realism. In terms of pure graphics, making it look like a tv image for example, it's perfectly possible. But only technically. An EXTREME amount of detail would have to be added into environments, and everything would have to be extremely high detail and rendered at an extreme resolution. Development time would be ridiculous.
SnipaMasta said:
An EXTREME amount of detail would have to be added into environments, and everything would have to be extremely high detail and rendered at an extreme resolution. Development time would be ridiculous.
I guess this is where procedurally generated content comes into it. If someone created software that can generate enivironments based on given criteria then it could cut out a lot of the development time. Any decent developer would continue to tweek the environments until the gameplay is right.
mmm doubt that they are real tbh. Isnt Hl3 ment to be using an updated version of the source engine when its released?
Kreeeee said:
My eye sight is perfectly fine, get your head out mate.
its been proven in this thread that the screenshots in the original post are in fact real life photos of a underground in russia, i don't know why you are argueing against it
Posty said:
its been proven in this thread that the screenshots in the original post are in fact real life photos of a underground in russia, i don't know why you are argueing against it
I know, but still doesn't look "realistic" to me. Not sure why though.

Looks liek someone used some really fubared filter to make it look crap.
Kreeeee said:
I know, but still doesn't look "realistic" to me. Not sure why though.

Looks liek someone used some really fubared filter to make it look crap.

i understand what you mean but they do look "real". Just with odd lighting.
I agree with you 100% that a filter has been used to make them look more like cgi/renders but i can tell that they are photograhps still and to me they look real.
THe lighting will have a serious affect aswell, you gotta think that there is NO natural light down their. The pure whiteness of the lighting and sharp shadows due to no real abient lighting (few reflections aswell) will create lots of sharp shadows and a surreal hue.

EDIT: Infact they almost look like scans of magazine photo's to me... especially the last one.
Kreeeee said:
I know, but still doesn't look "realistic" to me. Not sure why though.

Looks liek someone used some really fubared filter to make it look crap.

I understand what Kreeeeee is talking about :) as he says, the filter makes it all weird looking ... certainly does look very very odd to me, sort of a cross between CGI and Real Life, granted there's some funky effects going on. It just strikes me that the photos have been manipulated to try and put across the perception of being rendered.

My thoughts anyhow
I dont get why everybody was initially raving about those first images. They dont look even remotely realistic to me. :confused: :confused:
Kreeeee said:
Quit flogging a dead horse.

You just don't like the thought that you insisted a Gamecube game looked identical to a real life photo with the colours messed up :p

If you look at the originals, thats all thats really been done. The lighting is odd due to it being underground - ie. no sun. The geometry is all the same.
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