
18 Jul 2021
Land of Gin (I wish)
Each year, more crap for Halloween is in the shops. Get normal food stuff with Halloween stuff on it such as Scarylea (Dairylea)

Plus hate trick or treating. Firstly most kids don’t have any trick(s) planned. As my dad asked two kids trick and response was “what’s a trick”. Secondly- it’s begging IMO. If any kid knocks on strangers’ doors on any other day in the year doing this, they would be told to get lost. I switch off my door bell so don’t get my evening disturbed by this.

Also at work, not allowed to let teens buy eggs and flour, as they throw these at people’s homes and cars. It’s a nightmare cleaning it off as happened to me.

Don’t mind Halloween films and Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes.

What’s your opinion about Halloween and the teens throwing eggs and flour?
I like Halloween and am fine with trick or treating. Personally never even heard of anyone having eggs and flour thrown at their door. That’s not a trick, it’s vandalism.
Some places, 1st Nov is mischievous night so the egg and flour vandalism happens then
I Love it but i actually enjoyed it as a kid. It sounds like you have zero fond memories of it
I do have fond memories of Halloween as a child as loved the homemade costumes my mum made. There wasn’t the costumes in the shops like there’s now. We played games at friends’ homes - apple bobbing, pin the broom head on the witch’s broom, the chocolate game and build a skeleton. Food I remember a friend’s mum making eyes from white marshmallows, green grapes and thin red icing for making bloodshot eyes, cheese bats (cheese straws recipe), jelly with jelly spiders etc
Friend's dad has his birthday later this month and always get Lindor chocs. He saves the wrappers and wraps brussels sprouts in them. The kids that come to him have a bucket for sweets and just throws a couple in. Kids eat the sweets when they get home - what my friends did and their kids now plus go to numerous houses. Forget which house gave them the Lindors. He has never had repercussions from this.
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