Just noticed the due for release date on a competitor has been pushed back to November and a quick google brought up this http://forums.xbox.com/6444284/ShowPost.aspx

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Memphis said:Competitor, and I thought it had been November for a while now.
Kreeeee said:When's the beta out?
Bonjour said:Had been.
Possibly pushed back to 2008 now. Personally I don't mind just as long as the game's up to scratch.
Adam Senior said:Ahahah...you make me laugh. If you had any intarest in Bungie then you would know that they have not made ANY hints on release. This was the same for Halo2. But if you read the weekly updates and obviously the Beta will be out soon (april,may) so once the game has hit beta then its basicaly finished, just polishing. I dont think that in any way will halo3 be pushed back to 2008. This is a Christmas Killer...........(possibly) haha!
BloodWolf said:wait i just noticed, april fools? :/
And since Halo1 and 2 launched in November...KNiVES said:Bungie has their sights fixed on Fall 2007, and it's guaranteed not to be October (Shane Kim said the releases of GTAIV and Halo 3 are kept apart for maximum hits). So it's either September or November.
trojan698 said:No one cares like.