HALO 3 Official Thread

You, yourself, in a 4v4 CTF game? You think you'd have done anywhere near as well without alrik etc? elmayo.

There's a reason it's called a team ;)
Could say the same to you "OPEN THE GATE!!!1111" "Gonna chin you in RL!!1111"

I was busy covering your backside when I told you atleast 5 times to go up the stairs and jump down while I held them off, but no you decided to sit in the corner screaming for me to open the gate while I was busy killing them.

You wouldnt have won crap if I was on the other team. The only reason you even got any flag captures was because I was pushing them back into their base on High ground and on Stand off I single handedly defended that flag while you continued to throw yourself at the enemy until you eventually got it.

Nice "ownage" there

Or shall I put it into something you can understand

You was by the button.

STFU would have taken like 5 seconds to go over, press it.. i was RIGHT BY THE DOOR
u were just been an arrogant *****

you didnt really do anything tbh
And it would have took you 5 seconds to climb the stairs, but no you insisted sitting next to the gate screaming. I told you multiple times to use the stairs before you even touched the flag so dont complain when I dont help if you dont listen in the first place.

The only reason you won a few games was because I was on your team, If I was on Krono+Kreeeee's team you wouldnt have scored anything and CADman would have been on his way out the back of your base with the flag everytime.
rofl, halo arguements, always with the arguements, and i'm not quiet once i get to know people, but half my family were asleep inc my 3 yo brother so i wasn't really keen on waking them up :p
You was by the button.

STFU would have taken like 5 seconds to go over, press it.. i was RIGHT BY THE DOOR
u were just been an arrogant *****

you didnt really do anything tbh

IMO opening the gate is the biggest mistake you can make as an attacker or defender. The wall breaks line of sight, and prevents fast vehicle use. If the gate is open the attackers can mongoose/ghost it in to get quick grab, and the defense can pile down the hill on a pair of mon... what is the plural for mongoose?.. So Generally if your on my team the gate stays shut (unless your Crazy "I cant listen to instructions" Cadman.)

I must have spent a minute shouting at cadman to get his arse out of Alriks base on Standoff. Telling him there was no vehicle support as we were killing the enemy and that if he wanted to capture the flag then he'd have to run it whilst we had them fragmented/distracted and Alrik was dead. In the end the threat of me coming over and killing him got him out of the base. But by then it was too late, The whole enemy team had respawned and we all died.
I really wish he would listen some of the time.
"I need a mongoose, anybody got a mongoose?" ;)

Anyway thanks for proving my point and that was the reason I refused to open it. If any of you jumped on your ghost or mongoose there would be nothing I could do about it with just a BR. Where as with the gate closed you would have to go through me before you could get to the flag.

He could have just so easily took the stairs to his left (which I told him to do) where none of you were anywhere near since you were all spawning at the back, but no its my fault because he can see the gate is closed and expects me to drop everything to open the gate because he cant communicate properly.
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"I need a mongoose, anybody got a mongoose?" ;)

God we were useless in that game. Couldn't defend for toffee and couldn't attack for ****.

I managed to walk the flag across the map. No reason he couldn't

Anyway thanks for proving my point and that was the reason I refused to open it. If any of you jumped on your ghost or mongoose there would be nothing I could do about it with just a BR. Where as with the gate closed you would have to go through me before you could get to the flag.

He could have just so easily took the stairs to his left (which I told him to do) where none of you were anywhere near since you were all spawning at the back, but no its my fault because he can see the gate is closed and expects me to drop everything to open the gate because he cant communicate properly.
That was funny, I was watching him run at the gate and then stopped standing there looking at it as though he couldn't understand what it was doin g there. I was like "NOOB pow, pow" dead.

Yaboy next time turn either right and go under the base, or left and up the stairs. or even **Shock Horror** shout "I'm tossing the flag up Alrik, catch it and lob it over the wall and keep it contested, I'll run round and get it, or get it on my respawn" - Note Alrik probably won't do this as he doesn't like helping the team at the expense of risk on his life ;)
BTW I accidentally removed you last night due to the Xbox guide freezing and me mashing buttons for it to work had nothing to do with it, honest.

So I sent a new Friend request

You also sent me one...

or even **Shock Horror** shout "I'm tossing the flag up Alrik, catch it and lob it over the wall and keep it contested, I'll run round and get it, or get it on my respawn" - Note Alrik probably won't do this as he doesn't like helping the team at the expense of risk on his life ;)

He doesn't :p

Numerous times I saw him tuck his tail between his legs and run while his team ran forwards :p

When do you have time to say all that? I'd just shout heads up and hope you're expecting the flag and not a nade.
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You also sent me one...

He doesn't :p

Numerous times I saw him tuck his tail between his legs and run while his team ran forwards :p

When do you have time to say all that? I'd just shout heads up and hope you're expecting the flag and not a nade.

You shout heads up I only expect grenades, drainers and flares.

To be fair, I'd try and say:
Krono: Alrik I'm tossing you the flag, throw it over the wall ** throws flag and dies** In death screen Keep the flag contested, I'm coming.

What I would actually say is:
Krono: Alrik Umm I have the ugh, flag, oh **** I'm being shot **dies* In death screen Alrik what I was trying to do was throw you the flag so that you can catch it and throw it over the wall for me to collect
Alrik: Why? You know I wouldn't catch it or throw it over the wall. You'd just be wasting an opportunity to capture the flag.


I liked cadmans comment on Sidewinder
Cadman :"Its a big map but it plays like a small map"
Krono: No cadman thats because you run to the shotgun room and camp there all game. Of course its going to seem like a small map if you play in a section of the map that is 40m by 40m
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You also sent me one...

Yea but I didnt remove you be accident, you just stressed me to the point where I couldnt be arsed with you anymore and to be honest I really could have done without it during that week. I was over it the next morning, but I hadnt switched the 360 on until last night so it took a while for me to get around to sending it again.

Numerous times I saw him tuck his tail between his legs and run while his team ran forwards :p

Yes I will back off if the situation doesnt favour me, no point in running to my death if my whole team just died. (I'm assuming you're refering to the snowbound game?)
You need to control your temper.

Yes I will back off if the situation doesnt favour me, no point in running to my death if my whole team just died. (I'm assuming you're refering to the snowbound game?)

There were numerous occasions when I saw 3 people run at me but one run the opposite way :p
So did I fail the test then? Or do you people just plain not like me? :rolleyes::eek::D:(:mad:

You failed for speaking French and for not having slept with Kreeeee's mum. But Yaboy failed for that reason too and Bringer of Decay didn't take the test as far as I can see and they both played last night. Heck we even let Kreeeees numb nuts mate play last night and he went AWOL at the beginning of a game (I was not best pleased.)

Send Kreeeee a FR and he'll invite you (he did all the invites last night)

BTW, I'm not around tonight going to the cinema to see Indiana Jones and the Last crusade of the temple of the ark of Doom. So no Starcraft or Halo for me tonight :(
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I had fun, would welcome any of you lot to play with us again but you're going to have to talk if you want regular invites.

If you don't add me you won't be invited, I cba to add anyone if I'm honest.
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