HALO 3 Official Thread

I never completed the other Halo games but I completed this one in one sitting on legendary when it came out (started at 1AM).
I'm amazing, I pwned you all with my +14 k/d spread in the 3v3's :p

Of course I make you laugh, I'm hilarious, but you should stop picking gay colours as it embarrasses the team.
It's great to have some new faces and new banter to the game. It makes it a lot more fun and I've completely stopped playing CoD4 now as the guys that play that are a *little* bit too serious about it all.

You should stop TKing me though, it's not worth the months of aggro you'll get :p
Played this online for the first time earlier, did a few games and won most of them.

Doesn't seem to be much of a skill based game though, unless the other players are retards the top scorer seems to simply be the person that happens to come across the most people in compromising positions, and 99% of the time this is pure luck. If someone gets the jump on you there's nothing much you can do through skill to turn the odds and kill them unless they make a bad mistake.
Played this online for the first time earlier, did a few games and won most of them.

Doesn't seem to be much of a skill based game though, unless the other players are retards the top scorer seems to simply be the person that happens to come across the most people in compromising positions, and 99% of the time this is pure luck. If someone gets the jump on you there's nothing much you can do through skill to turn the odds and kill them unless they make a bad mistake.

yeah, it's a bit shoddy in that respect, it's why i liked halo 1 most of all, i think the actual health bar helped to make up for that fact, mind you the deployable objects (bubble shield, power drain, regenerator, grav lift etc etc) are really useful for getting out of sticky situations, or into them if you're playing with kreeeee, blue sticky situations ¬_¬
Oh my god, no dedicated servers so it's just a bloody lucky dip whether or not I get a decent host, had a few laggy games now, one just now I couldn't stand it anymore it was so laggy so I left, and I get penalized? WTF? LAME AS HELL. Utterly ridiculious.
Oh my god, no dedicated servers so it's just a bloody lucky dip whether or not I get a decent host, had a few laggy games now, one just now I couldn't stand it anymore it was so laggy so I left, and I get penalized? WTF? LAME AS HELL. Utterly ridiculous.

yeah, it's a bit hit and miss, we had a few laggy ones last night and i think it's stupid that you get penalised for leaving a game as well, i guess the only thing you can do is try to find a corner and hide :p

it's not a serious game tbh (bungie/M$ would like us to think so, but no) best thing to do is just to go online with some mates and have a laugh whilst trash talking about kreeeee's mum.
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Doesn't seem to be much of a skill based game though, unless the other players are retards the top scorer seems to simply be the person that happens to come across the most people in compromising positions, and 99% of the time this is pure luck. If someone gets the jump on you there's nothing much you can do through skill to turn the odds and kill them unless they make a bad mistake.

Sounds like every FPS that I've ever played :)

Its because the weapon you spawn with takes no skill in aiming, you would have to be a complete retard not to kill anybody with it when you get a surprise attack on them, which can be 90% of the time thanks to the retarded spawn system.

And of course the game is going to seem easy if all you've played are retards. What it all comes down to really is which team has the better team work (as it does in every FPS)
yeah, it's a bit hit and miss, we had a few laggy ones last night and i think it's stupid that you get penalised for leaving a game as well, i guess the only thing you can do is try to find a corner and hide :p

It was introduced as a deterrent to stop people from quiting, which happened a lot in Halo 2. The EXP penalty doesnt do crap really, I'm missing 90 of mine mostly thanks to my Yo-yo connection (up,down,up,down) and I've still got like 750. All it is used for anyway is to gauge how much somebody has played the game, again it was a problem in Halo 2 since you would often get matched up against level 1's and they would totally kick your ass :p Where as now with the EXP you can see just how many games they've played even if they are level 1.

it's not a serious game tbh (bungie/M$ would like us to think so, but no) best thing to do is just to go online with some mates and have a laugh whilst trash talking about kreeeee's mum.

Maybe not to you when all you do is try to park the hog on top of us all :p
Sorry I didnt join you last night kree, I was just coming off guitar hero then going to sleep. I prob. wont be on tonight because I have my last exam tommorow, then I'll be on a lot more after then.
Played this online for the first time earlier, did a few games and won most of them.

Doesn't seem to be much of a skill based game though, unless the other players are retards the top scorer seems to simply be the person that happens to come across the most people in compromising positions, and 99% of the time this is pure luck. If someone gets the jump on you there's nothing much you can do through skill to turn the odds and kill them unless they make a bad mistake.

Play with us dude, then you'll see some skilled players.

It is a very skilled game imo. Knowing the maps and employing good tactics is a sure fire way to win.

If you have only just started it'll matchmake you against low ranked people who have just started aswell.

Played this online for the first time earlier, did a few games and won most of them.

Doesn't seem to be much of a skill based game though

When I played on my GFs account on ranked slayer (she's rank 12 iirc) I'd get 25 kills and no deaths :p

The game is so easy until you've played a hundred or so games, basically it will always try to match you against people who have played as much as you so of course you will easily win your first 50 games if you've ever played an FPS on the 360 before. It's a nice way to ease you in. Play me 1v1, then tell me it doesn't require skill ;)
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