completely and utterly subjective for the vast amount of those points. i objected to most of them btw, halo: ce storyline was immense, especially if you read some of the novels that tell the background behind it, halo 2 was such a disappointment can not say, the storyline was terrible, characters felt shallow and meaningless.
and they KNOW no.1 was the best, hence the fact halo 3 felt very much like no.1 (last level anyone) i kinda felt a twang as i realised i was playing over an area almost akin to halo 1, brought back awesome memories, that's what ilike most about halo 3.
only thing i think they did better for 2&3 were the flood, i was scared of them in halo 1, but boy do i freak out every time i hear noises on the flood levels
tbh i kinda almost lost interest in the storyline when they decided to invent an entirely new race to add to the covenant, and then booted the elites out, the brutes just aren't any fun to play against. oh and in case you were wondering, i thought the arbiter missions really detracted from the game.
Dual wield is arse, I really wish they had never introduced it. Its just noob tactics.
The only time you will ever see me dual wielding is:
A) In Duals only matches (haven't really got a choice)
B) If I have 0 kills and the leader is approaching 20 (in FFA) or the leading team is on 40 in team slayer.
As I have already said in my mega post. the Flood were way scarier in H1 than 2/3
Hardly any useful ammo against the flood? Sword anyone? It cuts right through them and you can kill 30 odd flood with it before it even runs out and by that time you will have run across 2 or even 3 swords by then.
Also how are the characters crap in Halo 2? Johnson OWNS, I want his babies and when they killed him off I was like "WTF??!?? Kill the arbiter NOT my best mate!"
He had my back through out my journey
Edit: Those 2 videos appear to be the same, but the second half of the cut scene is different.
Awesome scene...
& @ Bringer Johnson was just some character that kept appearing with you, you could even kill him. They expanded upon this in Halo 2 and 3
so he was a main character was he not?
In Halo 1? Hell no, he featured in what - two cinematics? He was just a comical marine AI which was given to you on certain levels
Story wise
Halo 1>>>2>>>>>3
Single Player freedom
Halo 2>>>1>>>>>>>>>>>3
Gameplay wise (jumping, aiming, just the general feel)
Halo 2>1>3
Multi-player wise
Halo 2>3>1
*not rising to it*