HALO 3 Official Thread

K just had to log into my brothers account to say this because im getting annoyed. TBH IMHO cod4 is ****** appaling on the xbox. On the pc its a diffrent story. But on xbox it is so fast and a 1 shot kill every time that it takes hardly any skill for a good halo player. Halo players are used to moving the reticle around at a moving opponent and looking for headshots. Boot up cod4 and give someone a spray on the back and their down. Its so easy to be rambo on that game. Try be rambo on a pit mlg 4v4 and you will get absolutely demolished. Anyway thats my opinion.
You can add me : x Darkchild if you want to playh on a good connection (24meg) but remember i bum MLG customs and matchmaking so dont expect me to play BTB or something.
I consider myself terrible at CoD4 and regularly get silly killing streaks, but then that's half the fun of it. Halo 3 is inherently more difficult because it is team focussed, i.e. it's hard to be a one man army and also you are forced to navigate the map whilst in CoD4 you pick bandolier and you never need to move if you don't want to.
I'm pretty decent at halo, but I totally suck at CoD4 =/

With CoD4 I dont find it hard to aim at all really, its just I have to empty half a clip into someone to even get a kill (thats with Stopping power aswell :o) and it just takes them one or two bullets to kill me. Even if I shoot them first in the back they just turn around, spray in my general direction and thats me dead.

Also when watching the Killcam back it shows me running at them with no bullets leaving my gun even though I've emptied half my clip into them before I'm dead.

My pings seem to be just fine when ingame too (1 black dot from a full green bar) so I've no clue whats wrong. It's the same with Halo, but I can usually still get loads of kills because its not a 1 shot-kill thanks to the shield (obviously rockets etc are but those are in limited supply)
M16 is only good at mid/long range though, if I do use it I usually hang back and never see anybody. So I usually go with something else depending on the map.

Long range - Never see anybody and if I do they are usually half way around a corner or someone else gets the kill

Mid range - Same situation as Long range

Close range - No matter what gun or perk combination I've got I will always be out gunned 9/10 times
Actually it never happens when you play. It was noticed one night when you weren't playing that I did reasonably well.

Its all those sodding grenades you throw at me, vehicles you drive into me and bullets you shoot at me. And thats when your on my team.

You still do crap when I play properly though.
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