HALO 3 Official Thread

Fine, maybe I shouldn't have used the wink. I do truly believe that the Halo series is overrated, and nothing more than an average FPS. How's this...:cool:?

I think its cool because of the community and mates i play with. The interaction i get with others is what makes most games for me. The community support from Bungie is second to very few, and halo 3 looks to take that further. Also the Master Chief as a hero character is very cool imo. It all depends on what you like though, i think the barbie games are overrated.. but little girls like them.. so i let it be..
I think its cool because of the community and mates i play with. The interaction i get with others is what makes most games for me. The community support from Bungie is second to very few, and halo 3 looks to take that further. Also the Master Chief as a hero character is very cool imo. It all depends on what you like though, i think the barbie games are overrated.. but little girls like them.. so i let it be..
Fair enough. I've only briefly played a few levels of the past Halo games, and so can't appreciate the community and interaction with others. Obviously, playing with others and establishing a relationship with an online community takes some time, and is something I haven't experienced having not owned any of the games. If that is what makes the game so special, then that's understandable. As said, my views are the result of just playing a few levels, so you're no doubt better qualified to comment on the game than I am. Maybe it's better than I thought? Anyway, enjoy playing Halo 3...:)
I watched the HD vid on it and it looks snazzy and almost pc like with its replays and editor but its still just a shooty deathmatch thing isnt it, no depth or skill to it.
If I sat there with a hammer hitting the controller buttons, how many people would I kill :p
I watched the HD vid on it and it looks snazzy and almost pc like with its replays and editor but its still just a shooty deathmatch thing isnt it, no depth or skill to it.
If I sat there with a hammer hitting the controller buttons, how many people would I kill :p

Probably none, unless they were retarded.

I will agree the aiming takes very little skill (excluding the sniper rifle), its trying to work as part of the team is what decides who wins and loses the game. Many times do I see people get hit by a grenade and they still run at the enemy guns blazing with no shield, expecting to not die.

Where the skill lies is in being able to read the situation and know when to retreat or go for the kill.
Halo was the first game i got to play online and i instantly loved it, but im sure that was just cause it was my first time online.
Never got halo 2 due to only having a dx9 card. So now, ive just watched the last cutscene that was in a previous post. So now im up to speed and waiting for halo 3:)
got the chance to play this last night at my cousins "copied game" All i can say IS OMFG!!!!!!!!! In my personal opinion based on me playing the 1st 2 levels i think this game is amazing.....The thing i cant stop thinking about is the replay feature......It took my breath away. It was awsome the first thing we did was play a 2v2 slayer match and watched it back. Its amazing...No more will you get that Hey did you throw that nade at me..."who me no." muahaha!!!

Got my fix till tues/wed but all i can say is that for the 3 hours i was playing around with it i am very impressed. Yes i am a halo fanboy but this game seems to be everything Halo2 wasnt...."polished/finished"

Krono will discover just how many times my nades have finished him off in our 2v2 sessions then...

Even if you make a thread on one of Krono's games he still makes another, then a mod comes along and merges them and your name gets put as the creator.. not Kronos.. :D

That's because the mods rock and like to tease krono as much as I do :D
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Don't be anticipating an amazing single-player mode. I finished it in 5 hours on normal.

People like you should be kept in a cage!! and maybe let out once a blue moon.

Normal difficulty is for retards..Try actualy playing the game it was meant to be playing..From the 2 levels i played i know i will keep playing them over and over again..O and wait theres co-op..Hell i cant think of anything more awsome than me and my mates ripping it up on 4 player ledgendary co-op.

Go buy a ps3!

Yep i am a fan boy! :)
Well seeing as this is the official thread I'll post this here.....

My copy has been posted! :D

Was dispatched yesterday so at the very least I should get it Wednesday :)
If it was posted yesterday I would say you will see it Monday, Unfortunately doubt mine will be posted out until Moday at the earliest :/
I just need to ask, everyone who has a pre-order with one of the most popular UK e-tailers, is the dispatch date blank for you?
Mine should be dispatched on Monday for me to get it tuesday/wednesday. Might not be the case though.

Went into Morrisons tonight and noticed they had a few copies on the shelves. I'm quite peeved! :mad:
I just need to ask, everyone who has a pre-order with one of the most popular UK e-tailers, is the dispatch date blank for you?

Mine is, but my order could be with an entirely different company because I don't know who you're refering to. Most popular UK e-tailer could be one of many companys that sell games.
Mine is, but my order could be with an entirely different company because I don't know who you're refering to. Most popular UK e-tailer could be one of many companys that sell games.

Okay, does anyone elses page look like this :):

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