**Halo Online** official thread

I'm going to try m&kb. If its optimised well then it should good.

I'm using M&KB, it's definitely well optimised.

Apart from the server browser crashes due to insane traffic, it's a lot of fun. So easy to host custom games and get people to join. The Halo Online Discord is also thriving at the moment, so it's worth joining up!
played a few games and i'm not sure...

movement feels 'off' to me and hit reg needs some work. Don't get me wrong awesome work by these devs but doesn't feel right. Hopefully with a few more updates it might get there.
Will keep an eye on this but as it stands for me its not right........yet :)
Feels like Halo to me, m&k is weird. Getting used to it though.

The shields seem to drop too early and grenades seem off but might just be me.
Derp. Got it to work last night. Actually pretty good. Doesn't quite feel the same as accuracy has improved with KB+M imo.

It's a lot better then when I lasted played in years ago. Relatively smooth and a reasonable load of servers to play on.

Would give it a go if you enjoyed Halo 3 :)
Well this is officially dead. Looks like m$ pulling the plug on it

They are putting pressure on the distribution of the original client - can't say I'm surprised it was pretty much guaranteed to happen. (It amazes me how naive people are over this aspect time and time again - it doesn't matter what spirit it is done in, etc. companies have little choice but to protect their IP in this way).

They probably won't do anything about the mod itself as long as it doesn't contain their assets and any servers.
...the community really wants more Halo on PC. As we look ahead, we’re very excited about the prospects of an official classic Halo experience making its way to PC and we hope to be able to partner with the ElDewrito team and broader mod and content creation community to help inform the types of experiences and features our fans desire. While we have nothing to announce today, please know that the PC community is very important to us and top of mind as we work towards the future...

Wonder if they plan to release one of the older games to Steam.

I still have Halo Combat Evolved / Custom Edition installed but most of the servers can be pretty laggy.
This was bound to happen. This has been around for years. Ive played it a number of times and even once at a gaming session at A big gaming store. It never had any press or anouncements though. People just played and had fun.
As soon as this release was anounced on social media every tom, dick and harry had to retweet and the streamers started to stream there sessions. MS had nothing else they could do, they have to protect there IP and you cant play HALO without the MS assets.

There will be a ****** HALO game released to the MS store, win 10 only with micro transactions for models and skins.
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