Han Solo Shoots First on DVD!!

v0n said:
As in - no Christensen in Anakin ghost scenes, no plasticky additions to Mos Eisley architecture and no Jabba in hangar? Sign me in.

Not to mention the truly horrific cgi-dancing-moomin-musical-fest they added to Jabbas palace in ROTJ. I much preferred the original version with the singing creature with the long gob. That rocked.
fini said:
please remind me why it matters who shot first? I understand the difference - but I don't understand why it should matter - it's hardly an alternative ending.


It doesn't matter in the slightest. Gimps just like something to complain about.
Lets be fair - Han Solo is a rogue and smuggler. He has little morals and looks out for number one. Along comes Greedo who wants to take Han to Jabba and collect some moolah for his troubles - big mistake. Han kills him where he stands.

To try and insert the magic bullet from Greedo in the remake is just insulting. It was done to try and give Han justification for killing Greedo and making him not look so villainous - but this is not the Han Solo we all (should) know and love.

It's from his early villainy that we see his own transformation from caring for no-one to his later character development in which he becomes an active part in the rebel alliance and begins to open himself up to others (Leia and Luke).

Han Solo is a damn cool character and to have this justified killing rubbish inserted in the remakes was quite frankly a joke.

**EDIT** IMHO :p
What about the Ewoks tribal music at the end of ROTJ original... was removed completely for that "woohoo the rebelion has won" anthem. The old version was much better.

And yes Solo MUST shoot first... it's the law!!
fini said:
please remind me why it matters who shot first? I understand the difference - but I don't understand why it should matter - it's hardly an alternative ending.


It was a total unnecessary change and it really looked stupid, everyone already knew Han was a good guy, it just looks completely out of place and fake. Ruined the scene along with some other unnecessary changes like the band in Jabbas palace, I cringed watching the extra footage, it was like a Disney film.

chrisd said:
It doesn't matter in the slightest. Gimps just like something to complain about.

It does matter because it just looks so wrong and they ruined what was a perfectly fine scene. Some ‘Gimps’ just don’t appreciate that.
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