
25 Feb 2007
Thinking of buying a PDA soon, having never owned one before...

Now, should i go Palm or Pocket PC/Windows Mobile?

Pros & Cons of each?

Bit wary about the price of PPCs.

Any one got a suggeted device?

(If this is the wrong section - sorry, feel free to move it)

I'd only ever own PPC now (or windows mobile as its now called). Having used the various microsoft products since the first windows CE I have to say it just integrates with everything just spot on. Software is abundant and a lot of times free, and the featurelist isn't to be shunned either.

Currently have 3 devices, a Windows Mobile 2003 HP iPaq (i forget which model), a Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition T-Mobile MDA Compact, and Windows Mobile 5 Qtek S200. Windows Mobile 5 is a good deal better than 2003 SE, seems to be faster on lower clock speed devices also.
OK cheers, any chance I can get a PPC in the sub £200 region? Have been looking at the Palm TX and can get that for £180.

my advise is dont buy 1, you probably dont need it. I bought 1 thinking it would be useful its not really, unless it really is useful to you somehow ofcourse. Stuff like keeping a journal, diary and taking 1/2 to write a small paragraph done my nut in really and couldnt put any decent apps on it.

personally i have a dell axim x30 it cost £200 at the time and is still about the highest spec there is
Voice and handwriting recognition f.t.w! Or buy a pda phone because lots of them have keyboards. But generally don't buy one if you intend to do loads of writing. I use mine for internet browsing, watching tv, music, videos, mini games etc.

For your price range.

Dell Axim™ X51-416MHz Handheld £188 would be perfect.

Intel® XScaleTM PXA270 416MHz
Microsoft® Windows MobileTM 5.0
ROM: 128MB Flash memory
TFT Colour 16-bit 3.5 inches ,240x320
1 CompactFlash Type II Card Slot (3.3v)
1 Secure Digital / SDIO Now / MMC Memory Card Slot (3.3v)
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been using my HP iPAQ hx4700 for nearly a year now and love it to bits :D

It's a great time to buy a pda what with flash memory being so cheap. I bought a 4gb SD & CF card for £17 each :eek: Giving me a total of 8gb of solid state storage for all my music, videos and games :D
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