Hanns-G HG281DP 28" Widescreen Any good, really??

15 Dec 2005
Currently got an NEC GX20 wide screen monitor, but looking for a larger monitor...

The quality of the NEC is very good, crisp clean text, and great graphics... I dont play a lot of games, but do enjoy them occasionally and have an 8800gts 512mb card...

Is this 28" monitor really any good, or is it just the fact that it is so cheap and consequently overshadows any performance or quality issues..

Now I know you get what you pay for.. so should I go for a good 24"..

ive read a few reviews, which seem good on the whole, but tend to focus around the fact it is so cheap....

Would like any owners opinions...
will be waiting with great anticipation to read your views...

I think the only negative things ive read concern the brightness, and black reproduciton.. so would be interesting to see what you think.. particulary whilst playing nay games and using the desktop in general, i.e,. text quality etc...
Thanks for the pic...

Can you comment on colours, brightness, contrast etc.. partidularly in gaming.. also is text crisp and clear in widows, internet etc...

Ive read a few reviews which comment on its contrast in colours on games, and how they seem to blend together and appear dark...

It does seem like a realy bargain.. would be keen to see how you feel after a few days of useage...

I did think that..

Im pndering whether to go for a 32" 1080p lcd tv instead for around £500.. I dont mind a small drop in quality as a trade off for a larger size...

I cant really justify only a 4" increase to a 24" for around £250.. its not really worth it
You couldnt take a couple of pics with a web page open, so I could see what the quality of the text is..???

Ive not gto great eyesight and woul dproba have res ob 1280x720..

I must admint the shots you took do look good...
Thanks for the pics.... it does look great value for money.. if only I can keep my sensible head on and not spend £500 on a lcd tv.....
Ive always been worried about dead pixels.. I bought my last monitor from a plcae that charges £30 for a dead picel check... Although I do wonder, if you buy a monitor without one, are you more likely to get one that has failed this check and has dead pixels.. lol.. least you have peace of mind, even for £30....

I know Iv asked before, but would like a wider opinion know there are more ownders.. is 1280x720 (720p) a crisp/clear res to use.. Ive got poor eyesight, and 1920 is too damn small, even using large fonts etc.... My monitor at work is 1920 native, and anything less is fuzzy....

Can anyone with this monitor comment on 720p performance, and clarity of text...??
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