Hanns.G HZ281HPB 27.5" Widescreen LCD Monitor

Pics i will do tomrrow as babys asleep and i dont want to wake him.

Mini review:

Ok it's huge im coming from a sammy bw24" so not a cheapie make. Ok so turning on the hanns 1st thing i notice is the brightness burnt my retna's lol its set to 100 so that went down to 40 much better :D
The sammy had better colours but not buy a massive amount, just enough to notice. if i had to give a scale 10 being best for colour sammy 8/10 hanns 7/10 so no big deal.
No bleed on mine at all no dead pixels. I am very critical when advising other to buy things as most of rely on each other, i can safely safe buy one with confidance really happy. Dont get me wrong it not the best out there the colours are a little washed out and the stand is flimsy but its £270!! buy one Bigbruiseral approves :)
Small upate: Played a couple hoursof BC2 and WoW and still say for the money its well worth it. still agree about the colours being washed out but after 5 min of play didt think about at all. Would not worry about the response rate its spot on. I have a hanns 32" in the bedroom for two years its its never skipped a beat so im hoping this monitor follows :)
Getting one of these very shortly but just noticed the large Green LED power light :eek: Does that distract when you watch a movie or play a game in the dark as it looks pretty bright in the pics????

LOL using it for 3 days now and never noticed it until i read the above and looked down:p
It's very dull the green light
I've found a serious problem too.

Also, I've checked the menus but I can't find the "Enable self dusting bezel" option. It looks like I'm expected to remove the dust manually.
I expected so much more for £280.

Should I RMA it? :)

Ah the self dusting bezel management is a optional extra mate, i went for this option but its very expensive. It cost me 1 dimond ring, a mercedes benz and life time subscription. I do have to say i get complmenary gift on xmas and birthdays :p;):D
takes a couple of days and the review will show. Another tip i just found is in the user menu there is a part that gives you settings like user defined,cool,warm wich refers to the colours changed to user defined with a brightnes of 50 and holy moly its looks loads better IMO
I'd been thinking of going for the Iiyama B2712HDS but having seen a fair few people happy with their Hanns.G i'm leaning towards going for one of them instead.

Could anyone tell me if it does 1:1 pixel mapping with 1080p via HDMI or is it stretched? Anyone tried any other video resolutions? 720p, 576i/p? (Not sure I'd ever feed it either but nice to know how it handles it)


Not sure what the above means but if there is anything i can try out for you ill be happy to help. My xbox is connected to it as well as my pc and it auto detecs which in use awesome :D
I'm disappointed for you MysticSniper.
The previous comments in this thread (including mine) have been very positive for the Hanns G. All of those good reviews don't mean a thing if you've ended up with a less-than-perfect monitor. :(

TBH mate dead/stuck pixles can happen from a £100 - £10,000 screen is just the way there made at the moment. a lot of websites have policy's which state you can not send it back as faulty unless there is more then xx amount of pixles. In veiw of this is really shouldt put you off any monitor is just a pitfall of buying and shouldt be a negative comment :). Get one online and cover yourself with the DSR ;)
Just got mine up and running. This thing is a beast and is going to take some getting used to after 2.5yrs with my Belinea 10-19-27 at 1280x1024. :D

Got it wall mounted and using brightness at 45, contrast at 75 and RGB on 75 each. Look's great, no dead pixels, no backlight bleed. Will have a fiddle with the settings properly tomorrow as i am going to see what gaming is like now. :D

welcome to the club dude, im that please im thinking of getting 2 more for some eyefin action hmmm
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