I was too late for the poll, I would have told the truth, I stayed in, but not strictly because I’m old.
I’d been invited to a bash at my niece’s place, food to die for and vodka flowing like the Angel Falls but I’d declined as I was unsure about the jabbed or not jabbed condition of some who may have turned up there.
So maybe I DID stay in because I’m old.
I took my wife and her father there, got minimal flak from my wife for declining the invite, had one glass of wine with my dinner, then just as I was thinking of pouring myself a large Stolychnya over ice at 00.55 my wife called and asked me to pick her and her dad up, which I did.
This got me a bunch of brownie points, (I hope), but the downside is that I’m sitting in the kitchen now, having poured my wife a king sized pink gin and tonic, while I listen to my father-in-law snoring like a buzz saw from his collapsed position on the stairs from the ground floor hallway.