Hard Drive Cloning

23 May 2006
Hi, a quick hard drive question. I recently bought a Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 320GB from OcUK in order to replace a Maxtor which I believe is causing my system to crash when it freezes. I use the Maxtor for just storage and applications whilst I have windows installed in a Raptor.

I would like to simply use a cloning too to copy what is on the Maxtor straight to the Seagate so I don't have to reinstall all the applications. If I did clone it, and replace with maxtor and used the same drive letter, would all the applications etc. still work? Because I don't want to clone it only to find this won't work.

Thanks, Simon.
This has worked for me before, and I also found out that what one manufacturer calls a 120GB drive isn't necessarily what another calls 120GB (had to replace some 120GB Deskstar's (yes, I know) with 120GB Maxtors (don't say anything) and the Maxtors were about 2MB smaller). Nothing that partition magic couldn't fix but worth bearing in mind.

I used a simple dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb in linux on a couple and it worked pukka.
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