Hard Drive imminent failure - Help plz!

22 Dec 2002
Hi guys

I formatted my computer tonight and had to speak to a lovely lady at microsoft to activate it - Yet again :mad: I thought all problems would be fixed but the computer is as slow as ever.

When I looked in everest and the WD utility I get the following warning :

ID Attribute Description Threshold Value Worst Data Status
05 Reallocated Sector Count 140 117 117 663 Pre-Failure: Imminent loss of data is being predicted

Is there anyway I can make an image of this partition now so that I can just restore it onto the new hard drive when I get one? Will WD send me another 40gb drive or do you think I might get lucky with a bigger one ;)

Cheers for any help!
Do you have a spare hard drive? If so then you should be able to copy/image the partition, if you don't then I'd get cracking with some DVDRWs and do your best to save what you can.

As to the replacement, if it does fail then I don't know what they'd send back, I suppose it depends on if they have 40gb drives still being made or if 80gb(or whatever) is now the smallest they do and of course your drive would need to have some warranty remaining.
Sorry for late reply, managed to use seagates utility from my old drive to clone the drive so I didn't need to format again!! :) I've got a rma issue from WD although I'm not sure if I have to stick the declaration for import tax stuff all over it or not :confused:

Thanks for your help mate :)
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