Hard Drive Not Formatting

7 Mar 2005
Glasgow, Scotland
I recently purchased 2 hard drives off overclockers and after a whole bunch of problems with City Link, I finally got my parcel. I had to go to the depot to pick it up as City Link could not find my flat even though its on the main road.

When I picked the parcel up, the box was in a pretty haggard state but not much more so than the usual City Link parcels so I took no notice of it.

Seeing as the 2 hard drives were in a cold warehouse for the past few days, I thought it best to leave the drives to get up to room temperature before I connected them to my PC as I read somewhere it was better to do that. So I left them sitting overnight on my table still in their sealed anti-static bags.

I've just connected them this morning and one of the hard drives formats fine, the other will not go past 88%. I looked at the event viewer in the computer management and it said Hard drive had a Bad Block and gave the event ID 7.

Is there anything I can do about this or do I have to RMA the damn thing?
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