Hard Drive not found (XP Installation)

27 Sep 2004
Trying to install XP on my new build, recognises all the devices but when I go to actually install XP it tells me that it cannot find a harddrive even though there's a Maxtor 80GB SATA HDD in place. All the cables are in tight, so im running out of things to try. Any advice?


Dunky said:
If BIOS isn't seeing it then the disc won't help. If you're sure that the data cable is working correctly (try a different one) and that there is power to the drive (you can hear it spin up), it may be a faulty hard drive (or even possibly a faulty motherboard). If possible, try the drive in a friend's machine. Or as above, you may need to enable SATA as an option in BIOS

Where abouts would i enable SATA as an option in BIOS?
williamw11 said:
Did you install the sata driver that came with the mobo cd or on a floppy?
If not then do as Dunky said when installing - press f6 etc.

I tried moving the SATA drivers from the CD onto a floppy but with no lucky. Apperantly it should automatically pick up the SATA anyway, its only RAID that needs drivers
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