Hard Drive Or Ssd

3 Apr 2009

I am looking into upgradeing my system but can't make my mind up on what type of drive to buy. At the moment i have a seagate 7200.10 with my os & games on it & a Hitachi 750 with data & a external for my mp3 & video's etc. I am wondering if i should get anouther Hitachi 750 to raid them or to save up & get a 128 ssd which would be best . I am running phemon 2 720 with 4 gig ram on vista 64 thanks for any advice..
Thanks for your reply.

I am going to save up for the 128 SSD just to use for the o/s & games & the Hitachi will just be for storage/date better start saving then cheers..

So is it more the access time i should look out for & not the read write aspect?. i could afford the first corsair if that was the case..cheers

Just decideing which Corsair to get. The 90 write speed or the 200 write speed as i play a lot of command & conquer & championship manager . I also surf the internet a lot & go on football & Wwe forums cheers..
I think i mite get the s128 found it for £160 then use it for a while then when the better ones come down in price i will give the s128 to my wife for her laptop cheers..
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