Hard Drive Pricing going up at an alarming rate!!!!

20 Jul 2009
The bleak North East arm pit of Britain
As pre warned, Mechanical storage is going up in price at an alarming rate.

This is unlikely to change before 2012 with price increases potentially going to increase by even more.

These are dark times on the storage front at the moment with deals none existant for some time to come :(

You may indeed be able to buy drives much cheaper elsewhere but they WILL run out of stock very quickly so my advice is that you buy where you can as you will not see affordable storage at all as current stocks deplete.
Pricing is starting to become uniform between most etailers sites now. I have just checked a handful of lines on our competitors sites and they are quickly approaching our pricing. I can see the price of drives increasing again at points tomorrow. The same goes for following weeks. :(
This has really put a dent in my bid to build my first PC in 2 months :(

Any idea of when these prices may go back to normal/fall a bit?
Q1 2012 is when shipments look to start again with pricing not looking to recover for a number of Quarters according to WD.

I wouldnt be suprised if HDD didnt sort its self out until perhaps March next year.
The way things are looking this 120% may come closer than originally thought. We could potentially see a 3x increase in HDD by January. :(

Hard drives set to increase another 10-20% by the end of the week!!!!

Massive pricing on HDD now and re-buys are starting to come in at ridiculous costs :(
Prices looking to increase by another 30% or more within the next week or so! This is looking to be one of the worst shortages of recent years :(
I have a 2 128GB SSDs and an 2TB drive with steam backups, drivers and other program setup exes. There is then a good 2-3000 MP3s and thats it. I have 400GB remaining. With that in mind I could do with another as its coming up forwinter and I spend moretime indoors as the weather gets colder.
"Global demand for HDDs continues to grow and last quarter hit 177M units, which equates to 59M units per month, and is forecast to hit 180M next quarter. However, the impact of the floods is expected to cause a 20M unit shortfall over demand per month. As a direct result prices could rise by up to 25% for hard disks and this will impact finished products down the line as well."

Interesting - I think that most people would be pretty happy to see a 25% increase as opposed to the doubling and getting on for trebling of prices that we are experiencing in the UK.:eek:

This is an additional 25% increase over what is currently standing.

Majority of drives go to main SI partners, the rest gets dribbled out to ditribution. As such pricing (cost to ocuk) on one like has gone from a last cost of 22.39 to 62.00

Thats why pricing is as it is.
I suspect given some of the info about how the wholesale price has increased that most of the retailers aren't making much if any more per unit, it looks like the price rises have been mainly before the end of the distribution chain with the retailers pricing based on what they're paying (as normal).

This is very true, some of the re-buys on these is so high I am simply just not going to bother to re-list for a while yet.

600GB raptors are nearing £400 cost from official ditribution.. by the time a margin has been applied along with VAT your talking in excess of £500! Thats on the heals of the 512GB Crucial M4 and i know what I would rather have..
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