Hard Drive Problem, hard to explain...

11 Oct 2005
Hi, wonder if some one can help:

I have my main computer running XP pro sp2.

Main HD with OS on is a 74gb Raptor. thats fine.

I have a 2nd HD 250GB (Samsung Spinpoint SP2504c) Sata II which I store music, photos, videos etc on.

Now I have RMA this samsung drive 3 times, so it cannot be that that is the problem.

What happens is now and then, getting quite frequent to be honest, is my Samsung Drive vanishes, just goes from the computer, not on My Computer, Disk Management, Just a Big Red question mark on my Desktop shortcut to it.

I have ran Chkdsk and no errors shown.

I have latest Sata drivers for my mobo,

I really dont know what else to try. Please try and help me, even if you need me to do things to clarify.

Doing my head in, Most things I can usually sort out but this has stumped me.
yes and no, done both, sata and sata II

as the spinpioint is sata II capable. Just did it again, whilst i was listening to music


IM sorry MODS :( I dont know how, through imageshack to get the correct size for on here. I know the size is wrong, can a mod sort it perhaps ?

Certainly an idea changing the sata cable, could it be as simple as that ?
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