Hard drive setup question?

17 Jan 2005
I'm currently looking to build a new computer as my old system is starting to feel its age.
Since I've got my 5D *(see note) I've noticed that my HDD space is being eaten away pretty fast (only currently got 200Gb). I'm thinking of getting 3 HDDs in total

1x 150Gb WD Raptor for OS, games etc (could get away wth a 74Gb if I want to save money)
2x X00Gb Samsung spinpoints for photos and all other data

Option 1:
Setup the two Samsungs in RAID 1

Option 2:
Have one drive in an external enclosure that I backup the one in the computer to once a week.

With the latter if I disconnect the external enclosure completely until I actually backup, my data should be protected if I lose (electrical damage, failure, theft etc) the computer itself but it will require me to physically remember to backup on a weekly basis. RAID 1 on the other hand will in effect automatically backup for me but won't protect me from accidental deletion or a catastrophic loss of the computer. It's all roundabouts and swings tbh

I'm currently being tempted by option 2 as it's more secure plus i'm planning to get a Shuttle (lifestyle requirements) and space inside it is at a premium.

What would you recommend? either the options above or something completely different

*note: Canon EOS 5D, big image files upto ~18Mb each (RAW)
I just had to look up NAS ;) other computers aren't feasable but NAS sounds like an option as i'll have a network setup so me and my girlfriend can share our interweb connection, I'll look into it.
Cheers mate :)
Don't quote me, but I think it will only work if you have a router?

Option 2 would work as im sure you would remember to back up your files, software out there which gives you would only need 1 click backup
Option 2 is the way to go for the reasons already stated.

The best way to do it is to get used to including backups in your RAW processing workflow. For example I do a backup as soon as I've pulled all the photos off the memory cards, then another after the first pass of adjustments and then again once all the conversions to TIFF are complete. Finally the RAWs & TIFFs go to a couple of DVDs (one onsite & one off) at which point they come off the backup disk.
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