Hard Drive troubles

15 Apr 2006
Basically, I noticed some clicking with my hd a few months ago, followed by my PC crashing. That happened twice a few months ago and has been fine since. Then today (and two days ago) I logged into XP and the icons down the bottom right failed to load up, then I heard a humming sound (not clicking) from my hd and the screen froze for about 30 seconds. When it let me move the mouse pointer I had to log out and back in to get the bottom right icons to show. It's an intermitting problem for sure.

The hd in question is a 74GB SERIAL ATA RAPTOR HDD WITH 8MB CACHE (10000rpm) which has 47.4GB of free space.

It's only six months old as well.
Go and get a copy of WD's diagnostics program (there should be a link in the sticky) and run it against the drive. Make sure you do a full test rather than a quick check of the SMART data.
It ain't tricky, follow the one for WD's downloads page and the diagnostics are at the top of the "most popular downloads".
"" My hd seems to play a tune with the quick test, a low sound which gets higher, lol. That normal? ""

:p lol haha sounds like its about dead to me.. i had one a while ago like that
If it were me, and I'd backup all the data on it, and flog it into the ground for about a day. After the day is up, retest it immediately - if it passes after that, I wouldn't worry.
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