Hard Drives Vibrating

30 Oct 2002
Hi All,

My new computer has 3 SATA2 hard drives, which unfortunately are vibrating against the case.

I cannot fit these drive into a 5 ¼ bays, so are looking to do a DIY job.

Would rubber strips be sufficient and if so where can I buy them.

All the best

Yep screws are on both sides and tight.

When the hard drives vibrate the case when you touch it vibrates and makes a vibrating noise (annoying).

Your help is much appreciated!
Yea...check all the other screws etc holding the cages in otherwise you could spend ages making the drives vibration free to find it was the cage the whole time
You guys seem to think this is some sort of uncommon problem, well it's not. You can use rubber washers either sides of the screws to try and seperate the HDD from the cage. Better still would be a HDD enclosure that you can buy from here, or the elastic trick that can be found on google. Also try taking the HDD's out and holding them to see if it's actually vibration or thedrives are just being noisy.

If they're samsung spinpoints then they should be silent when you have them in your hand otherwise there's something wrong.
Well the case is a factor too.. if the cage is only attached to the case with 2 screws, then no matter how hard you tighten them, theyre likely to vibrate.

Basically you want them attached as firmly as possible to something as big as possible.

But if you test with each of them fitted, and all 3 are like that, then it's unlikely that the hard drives are the problem. (Unless you are VERY unlucky)
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