Hard/Soft tubing recommendations for ease of use?

5 Apr 2008
Deepest, Darkest, Essex.
Almost there. I have radiators, pump/res', fittings etc but I would like to get some advice on tubing before I buy any.

I have XSPC fittings for 14/10 hard tube that I want to use on my build, and I have Bitspower compression fittings for soft tubing that my son wants to use.

I think the Bitspower fittings are for ID 10mm which seems to make the OD 13mm although I don't have any to check with.

I have seen in my endless reading that some hard tube doesn't like to bend, which would be an issue, to say the least! So, I'd like to know people's recommendations before purchasing. I will be buying a bending kit and I have the heat gun already.

Also, are there any soft tubes that people recommend? He wants clear, which is the only stipulation at the moment.

Soft tube is always easier to maintain, altough the requirement of clear one removes the best out of the equation(EK ZMT and various other EPDM black tubings).
13/10 tubing will look small and is much more prone to kinks than 16/10 or 19/13.
The most common is 16/10 by far.
Before I moved to ZMT I was using XSPC Flex with ok results - you just have to have in mind that all clear tubing will leak plasticiser, will discolorate and eventually lead to buildup in waterblocks.
ZMT and hard tubing is more set and forget.
Although, for inexperienced builder hard tubing carries much more risk of leak.
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Yeah would second using epdm
Zmt only comes in black
But it probably comes in all sorts of colours
Designed for use in cars etc

If his reasoning for clear tubing
Is coloured coolant
Eventually usually means clogging in microfins/more maintenance
Definitely never found a clear tubing
That's as good as epdm

And yeah 13/10mm is stuff you see in older builds
Where they have springs/anti kink coils
Around the tubing
Because as said its thinner walls make bends prone
To kinking/collapsing
yeah obviously saves money
if dont need to go buy a load of fittings
though you qualify for mm
so should be able to get fittings cheaper in there

but should you go with zmt 16/10mm in the end up
make sure not to get the 11mm version
by accident
the other size is about 9.5mm
its much sturdier even though would think 1mm or 1.5mm
wouldnt make much difference
Thanks @srekal34 and @Mcnumpty2323.

The reason for the 13/10 was simply because I've accumulated a bunch of them in buying up bits and pieces. I have a short piece of 13mm tubing and I can see immediately what you mean.

I'll now be on the lookout for some nice and flexible 16/10 for him, and the appropriate fittings.
Dont be afraid to go to the chinese supermarket for the fittings. In my experience Barrow/Bykski are better quality than EK fittings - especislally the angled ones, 45 degree EK will always leak when pressured, much harder with Barrow.
XSPC also makes nice fittings for 16/10, they come cheapish in 10 pack(thats what I use in my build - although 19/13)
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Have to say the ek quantum Surface torque 90 rotary
Seem really good to me
Though they weren't cheap approx £8 each
The smaller micro rotary version
Those I have seen a few posts on here
Regarding leaking
Even think saw a post where they snapped
Only fitting I ever had snap/shear off was a xspc one
Female to female dual rotary

Ocuk I think stock barrow stuff now too
Have to say the ek quantum Surface torque 90 rotary
Seem really good to me
Though they weren't cheap approx £8 each
The smaller micro rotary version
Those I have seen a few posts on here
Regarding leaking
Even think saw a post where they snapped
Only fitting I ever had snap/shear off was a xspc one
Female to female dual rotary

Ocuk I think stock barrow stuff now too
True, I have not used the quantum ones - only the cheaper EK and they are rubbish, had few leaks with them. Quantum ones look pretty I must admit.
True, I have not used the quantum ones - only the cheaper EK and they are rubbish, had few leaks with them. Quantum ones look pretty I must admit.
Yeah they look nice
Though that's subjective what one person likes
Another may not
But they have a lot weight to them
And very little if any play/wobble between the main part
And the rotary part
True, I have not used the quantum ones - only the cheaper EK and they are rubbish, had few leaks with them. Quantum ones look pretty I must admit.

Bitspower use to be the go to brand but they've been lacking marketing power lately hence why everyone seems to be overtaking them. If you look at their range (albeit most of it isn't marketed here in the UK) they have some seriously good looking and affordable fittings in numerous pack sizes.

I'm not biased at all :cry:
Bitspower use to be the go to brand but they've been lacking marketing power lately hence why everyone seems to be overtaking them. If you look at their range (albeit most of it isn't marketed here in the UK) they have some seriously good looking and affordable fittings in numerous pack sizes.

I'm not biased at all :cry:
Bitspower would be my main choice if widely available - my first "proper"(i.e with dedicated parts not aquarium pump) was using Bitspower fittings, loved the dragon logo on the chrome rotaries.
Its a shame their blocks are not the best looking.
If you have good relationship with Bitspower, can you ask them why they are not widely available anymore? Even much larger watercooling shop in Holland that stocks niche stuff dont have them
Edit - scratch that - they stock them fully now :)
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Bitspower would be my main choice if widely available - my first "proper"(i.e with dedicated parts not aquarium pump) was using Bitspower fittings, loved the dragon logo on the chrome rotaries.
Its a shame their blocks are not the best looking.
If you have good relationship with Bitspower, can you ask them why they are not widely available anymore? Even much larger watercooling shop in Holland that stocks niche stuff dont have them
Edit - scratch that - they stock them fully now :)

They're working things over right now, they know their marketing isn't the best and they're working towards changing that. There should be a few vendors this year within the UK at least that should fully stock the entire range. Personally im looking forward to what they do next as their new reservoir pump combos look really good not to mention the collab they did with that Vietnamese modder with the tubeless cpu block looks absolutely amazing.

I have a plan for that block

Doesn't that tee shirt you're wearing
Say sponsored by bitspower :cry:

Lol but yeah Jay's builds have some nice looking
Stuff in there for sure

Maybe :p
LPersonally im looking forward to what they do next as their new reservoir pump combos look really good not to mention the collab they did with that Vietnamese modder with the tubeless cpu block looks absolutely amazing.

I have a plan for that block
That block looks sick!
Almost there. I have radiators, pump/res', fittings etc but I would like to get some advice on tubing before I buy any.

I have XSPC fittings for 14/10 hard tube that I want to use on my build, and I have Bitspower compression fittings for soft tubing that my son wants to use.

I think the Bitspower fittings are for ID 10mm which seems to make the OD 13mm although I don't have any to check with.

I have seen in my endless reading that some hard tube doesn't like to bend, which would be an issue, to say the least! So, I'd like to know people's recommendations before purchasing. I will be buying a bending kit and I have the heat gun already.

Also, are there any soft tubes that people recommend? He wants clear, which is the only stipulation at the moment.

As you already have the XSPC fitting for the hard tubing I would get XSPC tubing too, and get a silicone insert for bending so you don`t kink the tubing. I would also go acrylic as it stands up to higher temperatures better and looks better although it is harder to work with than PETG tubing. Watch some videos on YouTube and do some practice bends so you get a feel for it before you start doing your PC, it might waste a length of tube but it`s good experience.
13/10 sounds right for soft tubing and you will be fine with 14/10 hard tubing, that`s what I settled with and it looks fine.
Yeah from a flow perspective
Doesn't really matter if 13/10 or 16/10
The main differences are aesthetics
And bend radius
The second of those being the important one
Depending on your actual build/loop layout

And for petg
You can use inserts to stop deformation
At the fittings at least
Surprisingly few people seem aware about inserts for
Some reason
But I guess it's because I have a background in property maintenance
Where using plastic pipes and push fit stuff was common
And you use inserts there
They're working things over right now, they know their marketing isn't the best and they're working towards changing that. There should be a few vendors this year within the UK at least that should fully stock the entire range. Personally im looking forward to what they do next as their new reservoir pump combos look really good not to mention the collab they did with that Vietnamese modder with the tubeless cpu block looks absolutely amazing.

Maybe :p

Interestingly BP are only vendor that seemingly still sells dual rotaries with compression ends like BP-90R2LCPF-CC5V3 and BP-90R3CPF-CC5U at 19/13 size. Remember when they were sold as just BP-90R2 and BP-90R3 and still actually using them - they never leaked.
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Interestingly BP are only vendor that seemingly still sells dual rotaries with compression ends like BP-90R2LCPF-CC5V3 and BP-90R3CPF-CC5U at 19/13 size. Remember when they were sold as just BP-90R2 and BP-90R3 and still actually using them - they never leaked.
I think it makes sense, I can see them being a little more niche considering you can just get a normal rotary right angle and add a male female rotary to that, and then a compression fitting. They make more money that way seeing as you need three parts as well :P.
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