Hardware jiggling for Folding

19 Jan 2007
Right then in my specs are 2 Shuttles, I am going to watercool at least one of them this week. What I would like to know is which combination of components would make the best folding pc.

EG: Should I use just 1 1950XTX and the E6700 or both 1950XTX's but leave out the Crossfire connection and run 2 GPU Consoles and 1 CPU Console etc.

Advice gratefully received.
If you're GPU folding, put the GPUs with the slowest CPU you have (if you can), then use the E6700 with an SMP client. :)
Swap them round - put the X1900s with the E6300 for GPU folding, and run SMP on the E6700.

It might be better for points to run the SMP client on both and ignore the GPUs though. Also, a Shuttle could get pretty hot with the CPU and two GPUs on full load all the time! I'd keep an eye on it...
Cheers for the replies.

Hmm, at the weekend I'll switch CPU's and see if I can get the GPU Console running and compare the performance.

I presume you could use 2 GPU Consoles and 1 CPU Console, with the other half of the CPU supplying the GPU's with data? Or does the whole CPU need to be free to supply data?
WoZZeR said:
I presume you could use 2 GPU Consoles and 1 CPU Console, with the other half of the CPU supplying the GPU's with data? Or does the whole CPU need to be free to supply data?

The way I understand it, sadly not. Each GPU console needs to monopolise an entire CPU core to feed it with data :(
Mattus said:
The way I understand it, sadly not. Each GPU console needs to monopolise an entire CPU core to feed it with data :(
more like 75-90% of a core
also if its a 256Mb card you're going to experiance stuttering proably
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