hardware that should be killed (my awesome 2Mb gaphics card)

31 May 2006

I thought it would be a nice time to start a thread on hardware that should have been replaceed years ago, but hasn't.

This is my effort, upon replacing my lovely RAM from 256Mb to 512 i discovered that my graphics card may need updating, might get around to it soon....



Lets see whats out there to rival this technological wonder!
wow and I thought I had some junk in my junk drawers.

16MB graphics card (and tv tuner) is about as old as it gets for me, oh and a 133mhz p1 and a bunch of VERY old cd drives that dont even work.

For some reason I'm collecting a lot of old 56k modems too.
What's your 3d Mark '06 score ? ! :D

Brings back memories of my first scanner , about the size of a matress and took 2 to lift it ( Slight exaggeration ! ).

Technology is a wonderful thing.

Nice first post. :)


jimbobtheking said:
I never even noticed it was getting old, it runs 1024+768 quite happily on my tft, plays films without a bother either :)
Try F.E.A.R. on it tbh. With the potential of 0fps, you'd be amazing ;).

Well I just found this, I have no idea what video card it is, save for having trident and quadtel written on some of the chips, oh and being an ISA connection, hardcore! Now all I have to do is find a working mobo and cpu with an ISA slot...

I found it in my drawer of mystery, along with some random bits of what could be really old ram. And I score, an motherboard (it has one old style keyboard connector, and thats it, now that is old skool) complete with ISA slots and a CPU and another VGA card with 5 1/2" floppy disk


edit: I didnt even know that creative ever did Graphics cards, but I have a 'Graphics Blaster', and the card above has a whopping 512 kb of memory. Unfortunately it seems that the mobo wouldnt work though, looks like the battery exploded taking some components with it but who knows, if I ever find a way...
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