Harmony remote, which one?

6 Nov 2002
London UK
I had a number of harmony remotes over the years and the most recent had been a cheaper 650 model which I picked up for the margin price of £25 a few years back.

This is now wearing out and I wouldn't mind getting a decent one again but i'm struggling to understand which models are current and their differences. Seems Logitech like to use the same names for different models.

Whats the difference between the Ultimate and the Ultimate One as both seem to be available for the same price?

What does the 950/Elite give you over the Ultimates?

The Ultimate is the one (pun intended) to get :)

The Ultimate = Includes Hub, is RF, IR and Bluetooth compatible
The Ultimate One = Doesn't include Hub, is IR compatible
Has anyone upgraded from an Ultimate to an Elite? Was it worth it? I'm in a similar position to the OP, just with an old 350.

The price difference is massive so I feel like the Ultimate will definitely be best bang for your buck, but it's a few years old now so wonder if I should just hold on a few more months and hope the price of the elite drops.
The Ultimate might be a little old now, but it is still a cracker (especially considering the price hike to the Elite).

The Ultimate also had a software update recently, giving it a slightly cleaner touchscreen and one button access to individual remotes when in an activity.

I havent held an Elite, but the ultimate feels good in the hand, thumb controls all bottom buttons, index finger all top buttons, just have to be careful not to press the off button if wanting to rewind :)
I recently bought the Ultimate One. It's nothing short of brilliant.

I recently bought the Ultimate One. It's nothing short of brilliant.

I have that one (well the same in all but name as mine is technically the Touch).

Got it when the price between the non hub and hub version was significant enough to make a difference. Now that the versions are only about £2 different it makes no sense not to get the hub version (ie Ultimate).
There is an all black one rectangular not as shaped as the above but the screen is also black and black menus. It is £199.

Logitech Smart Home Harmony 950 Universal Remote Control With 2.4" Colour Touchscreen
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