Has 2017 been the worse year for gaming?

23 Nov 2013
as the title says, yes it's all down to personal opinions and what types of genres your into. Personally I was only really looking forward to three games all year and two have been pushed back to 2018, Sea Of Thieves and State Of Decay 2. I have bought only two games all year and one was on a drunken whim, and it's another dam early access game too (Citadel: Forged With Fire), I'm interested in other people's thoughts of the year so far, Zelda aside, I think it's been appalling.
I've not found it great to the point I'm hardly gaming at all. A few games I've been interested in have either been a complete let down, had disastrous launches even if fixed subsequently or delayed.
Battlegrounds has been my hit for 2017, I enjoyed prey but quicksaved in the wrong place and now I can't restart the level means I CBA playing it anymore to start again, other than that it was great.

Other than that everything I would have been interested in is so far into early access its not worth bothering with. I know battlegrounds is EA too but I did my research beforehand and took a punt.

But yeah 2017 has been pretty awful. At least we've got CoD WW2 to look forward to (lol)
Prey and Battlegrounds are the only ones that stand out to so yes it's been a bad year. Still got Wolfenstein to come though so things may pick up.

On a positive note the lack of mainstream releases has made me step further into the indie market then I normally do and there are some proper gems of games to be had there.
Yeah I've basically spent this year playing BotW on Switch and waiting for Destiny 2 on PC. All the rest of the interesting PC games aren't here until 2018 and beyond. Anthem, Monster Hunter, etc.
Maybe for new games, but not for me.
I became a Rift owner last Sept and since then have been glorying in primarily Elite and DCS. In both, the "feel" of being there is simply awesome. Unfortunately, I haven't found any FPS yet that works well in VR, though being fair, I didn't put too much effort into getting Doom BFG running.
So from a game "experience", this is my best year ever.

So from a "game" perspective, nope. From a "technology" perspective, definitely.

I'd highly recommend you watch this video. It makes some VERY valid points and its in part, why i believe we are heading for a gaming crash.
Aye it's not been the best game and i agree with a lot from above. The video above talks about a lack of inovation within games and i totally understand that. I think the inovation is currently all within VR. I mean look at the amount of work valve are putting in onto the amazing knuckles controller. This on it's own will change the way vr is done.
Last year and this year so far have been slow for me with regards to PC gaming, I've bought 3 games in this time period.
I don't think I've actually purchased a game yet this year thinking about it.

I've just been playing rocket league :/
I can't say that I have played many games that came out in 2017 (to busy playing Rainbow Six Siege). The only games I can think of are; PUBG, Rising Storm 2, and Breath of the Wild.
When I saw this thread title, I thought ' no way'......


Actually thinking about it, most of the games I have been playing on the PC are pre this year. I have also spent a lot of time on my switch (Zelda obviously) and I have been running through The Last of Us again.

Resident Evil 7 is the only title that stands out for me, but even that was like marmite with the masses.

I wouldn't say its been poor, but just very very average with no real stand out must own titles.
I wouldn't say its been the worst. Not great though. So far this year, the only two games that standout imo are Prey and Dishonored 2. AC Origins is due out soon also...
  • Resident Evil 7
  • Yakuza 0
  • Nioh
  • For Honor (Fun for a while)
  • Sniper Elite 4
  • Hollow Knight
  • Horizon Zero Dawn
  • Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Nier: Automata
  • Ghost Recon: Wild Lands (fun for a bit)
  • Mass Effect: Adromeda (Disappointing compared to other Mass Effect games but still put in like 80 hours of this, Combat was super fun)
  • Persona 5
  • Prey
  • Injustice 2
  • PubG (Alpha)
  • Tekken 7
I think it has definitely been another continuation of bad years for AAA titles, AAA titles seem to be increasingly failing to deliver.

On a personal note, my favourite gaming genre, the MMO, is seemingly very much in its deathknell now. Its had a good run since 1997 but as a genre its been largely non-existent in terms of good new releases for a few years now and what little there appears to be on the horizon is a long way off.

Cheating and exploiting have become so commonplace in other online gaming genres now that I find little enjoyment in 99% of online titles. As such, my gaming has almost exclusively become co-op games with friends and/or single player.

This year I have certainly, for the first time in 30 years, felt a significantly reduced urge to login and play a game on any given day
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