Has anybody checked out the Raspberry Pi 400 yet?

Does this ship with PIXEL and Chromium on the SD Card image? My daughters school homework is now all online via Google Classroom and IXL so this would make a great little device for her to do that and learn more about computers.
I thought about grabbing one to use with a 11-15" laptop screen for my 3D Printer with Octoprint. Think i am just going to grab another 3B and run it via the web interface.

I can understand the draw for someone who wants an all in one unit that takes up very little room.
What's the best os excluding raspbian? Mate? Budgie? I'm looking for a nice desktop experience. I'll be using an SSD if possible.

I've only every checked out RaspberryPi OS and Ubuntu... Default Ubuntu was sluggish as hell on my overclocked Pi4. Probably down to GNOME more than anything.
I've only every checked out RaspberryPi OS and Ubuntu... Default Ubuntu was sluggish as hell on my overclocked Pi4. Probably down to GNOME more than anything.
Gnome of a MicroSD card is absolute hell. I put Ubuntu on a SSD and it became much more usable.

If you want to try other flavours of Ubuntu on a Pi, the best thing to do is to put Ubuntu Server on there and then run desktopify to convert it to your Ubuntu flavour of choice, Xbuntu, Lbuntu etc.

What's the best os excluding raspbian? Mate? Budgie? I'm looking for a nice desktop experience. I'll be using an SSD if possible.
Have a look at Twister OS, really pretty and runs nicely off an SSD.

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