Has anyone completed a masters in computer science?

22 Jun 2005
Not sure if this is right area, but just curious if anyone has done a computer science masters (or even bachelors) before and how beneficial its been to them?

I am asking because I just completed my economics degree and decided that I would like to continue study but have always wanted to study computer science but have been shifted in a different path by my parents!

So anyway has anyone here done a computer science degree/masters? How did you find it? Is there anything I could learn programming wise to help me with the masters ? I will be applying to courses that don't require previous computing degree/experience as I have none!

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2003
Greenock, Scotland
If you're applying for a conversion course (ie one for non CS grads) then they'll start from basics (they did on mine at least) so there's not a necessity to get yourself to a level before you start. By all means crack on once you find out what you'll be doing on the course though.

So how did I find it? Meh, didn't learn much I didn't already know - other than that doing a C programming exam with pen and paper is ridiculous...
22 Jun 2005
Thanks for the reply! Yeah I am looking at either the Bristol conversion course, or Imperial do a comp science masters for people with other degree areas. Would rather stay at home in London if possible!

Could I ask where you studied? Was the masters useful for obtaining a decent job after?
22 Jun 2005
A-levels are terrible, got BBB in Economics, IT and Business. I took them when I was 16 though as they put me up a year in high school but due to laziness/not caring at the time I didn't do well. Was kinda hoping that would help explain it in my personal statement. Got upper second class in Economics with a lot of 70%s for my degree!

I have heard of Imperial taking on some with worst/similar grades!
23 Feb 2009
South Wirral
Cool. Those don't look too bad to me, but my knowledge of current admissions policy is obviously way out of date. Your Economics degree ought to help a lot - it shows you have what it takes to to a degree.

What a proper CS course will teach you that just jumping into programming won't is the fundamentals. How computers work, data structures and different programming models (declarative, object oriented, functional, logical). *In general* the degree will help you get your foot in the door for the first 5 to 10 years - after that real world experience counts a hell of a lot more.

If you want a starting point of materials I'd suggest the classic Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (the print version is expensive) and then go learn a programming language or 2 (or 3) via the many amounts of free stuff google will lead you to.

Being able to code before you start will make life much easier. Practical exercises will be based around coding.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2003
Greenock, Scotland
Could I ask where you studied? Was the masters useful for obtaining a decent job after?
I did mine at Strathclyde Uni in Glasgow. I suppose it was useful to get a job but application processes are very different now to how they were in my day - you won't get a job with a major IT company off the back of a speculative letter and CV any more.
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