I had a dream last week which was surprisingly vivid.
I quit driving a Black Cab in 2012, but in this dream I was hailed by three girls on the corner of Kingsland Road and Hackney Road at about 10.30 p.m., (unusual in itself, as I used to finish by circa 18.00 when I was working.)
They’d had a drink, but were not totally wasted, and asked me to drop two off at Liverpool Street station, then take the other one to Fenchurch Street station.
When I got to Fenchurch Street station, the girl was spark out asleep, I raised my voice, “WAKE UP LOVE, WE’RE HERE.”
Nothing, I opened the rear left passenger door, she was slumped all the way over on the right side, and I shouted, “OY! OY!”
Again, nothing, I got back in, drove forward a couple of metres and hit the brake, she slumped down in the seat, still asleep.
Just then a police car drove into the station approach, relieved, I waved them down and told them my problem.
One cop said, “Did you try shaking her shoulders?”
I said, “Yeah right, I ain’t dumb enough to get in the back and touch a female passenger.”
I recall one cop taking my details, badge number, taxi reg and Hackney plate number, while the other one tried to wake the girl up, but then the vividness faded, so Christ knows how they got her out, I was just glad that it was a dream when I woke up.