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Has anyone got a delid tool?

I really dont want to risk the razor blade method and I dont have a Vice. I bet if you bought a tool lots of guys on the forum would offer you a tenner plus postage to borrow it to do theirs. Would soon make your money back.
I did the same thing with my Monitor calibration eye a few years ago. Guys just paid for postage on here and there was no problems. It got sent around a few guys and then back to me.

I dont think anyone would want you to delid there CPU for them they would just pay to borrow the tool from you. As sending it to you would mean we would be without a system for the few days turn around it would take with postage. Also I would like to know 100% im getting the same CPU back which I paid a premium for as it would be easy to swap it out and nobody would know. (Not saying you would do this but it could happen would rather not risk that.) Also there is no chance of damage for you handling a possibe £1000 CPU.

I would want to use Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra instead of the Krynaut.

8Pack has already kinda implied it wouldnt be a problem. Even if you just had the first 5 guys pay a tenner each and after you have made your money back its just postage costs so your not classed as profiteering.

Would like to register my interest if you are up for it.
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i may do this for people on this forum as the trust system is good and i can see feedback easily. as for your point about swapping out the cpu, they have unique numbers on both pcb and ihs so i wouldn't be able to do that if you took note of said numbers. the main problem i have with sending my tool out is that i buy cpu's all the time, so i would have to make a time where someone could use it.

Ah didn't realize you buy CPU's all the time. If you do decide to do it please let me know as will happily pay postage and beer money for the use of it to a UK address.

Lawrence don't waste your time man. If a guy is not willing to just send to u and wait. Then they should buy a tool themselves. U will make your money back doing benching guys anyway.

Liquid metal is conductive junk.

Problem is the tool is overpriced to make it worthwhile for a single CPU. Not a very helpful post really or is it because we are not "benching guys" that its too much hassle? :rolleyes:
I didn't suggest sell it on. As other have done on this forum with other items (Including myself) it just gets hired for a few days to be used and then returned for a small fee.

When are these due in stock anyway?
great. I have 1 ivy and a couple of Haswell chips to do but as soon as the as rock z170m oc formula is out I'll be picking up a few skylake chips as well. Definitely not going to sell it on unless Intel decide to start soldering their cpus again, but I might lend it out if I have no other chips that need doing.

Thats great please let me know.
What plastic should I choose if I were to order one of these from shapeways.

Edit* I ordered a 3D printed one. Will probably stick it on the MM once ive done mine for others to use.
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Using a vice with a 3d printed one seems much safer than using a random bit of wood and a hammer. You will have much more control than guessing how hard to hit it.

If the pcb starts to flex then you can easily undo the vice before any damage is done.

All delidding is at own risk and voids warranty whichever method you use. It's not like we could rma with the £60 tool if something didn't go quite right.

I don't think anyone disagrees the £60 one is a better tool than the 3D printed one but it's 3 times the price. If it was £35ish there would be a lot more guys who would buy and keep.

The 3D printed one cost around £20 from shape ways for anyone who's interested. I will report back on the quality and delidding process when it arrives.
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I can understand totally why a bencher who bins cpus would want the expensive version. For the average Joe who changes cpu maybe once every 18 months and may not work with this tool with a new socket it's not.

Yes you could buy and sell the expensive one and lose maybe a tenner but a tenner more and you can have a tool you can keep that should last using a few times.

Who knows though the 3d one could be rubbish and kill my chip. Will wait and see.
I tested Romans on many CPU. Inv 4770K, 3770K and maybe 20+ SKylake all are 100% fine. The company making it are the same company making his Ln2 Pots which are the best Ln2 containers by far. Better than EK etc etc....

Jumpers point is correct who the hell is risking a good CPU with some junk from a 3D printer.

Those breaking CPU like this please dont RMA its warranty void.

You have said that twice now. Are you saying there is warranty if we buy the more expensive tool and for some odd reason it kills a CPU?

It sounds like a bit of a desperate scare tactic tbh.
I've read some people have resealed the Ihs back on neatly after killing a chip with vice and hammer method and RMA'd it without any problems. I guess ocuk will be a bit more knowledgeable and check for it but if it's sealed back on I'm not sure how easy it would be to tell it's being delidded before considering they would have to do it themselves to check.
If I'm going CLU on the die what is best for the block? I've got some of the gield stuff that was supposed to be about the best.

Is the grizzly krynaught any better really?
Pics of the tool.




Had to sand it alittle as was a very tight fit but goes in nice and snug now. Feels very strong actually which I wasnt expecting. I am now just waiting for my other bits to come and will give it a go. Expect a update next weekend hopefully.

Both parts can be ordered here: https://www.shapeways.com/search?q=Delid
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Ok will upload the video I recorded trying to use mine but safe to say it didnt work. I think the way it was printed and/or material used meant it didnt work. Anyway I just got a bit of wood and a quick tap with a large hammer and it popped right off.

Now sitting at 60c max under load at 4.8Ghz 1.35v. A good 20c-25c drop to what I had before.

Blunt yours looks stronger and more precise than the shape ways one.
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