Has making a pass at a woman just become illegal?

28 Nov 2003
Another ludicrous law based on impossible to quantify opinions is trying to be slipped quietly onto the statute book. If you fancy some bint expressing your interest could get you your collar felt if she decides you are harassing her. Quantifying "harassing" and by what metrics a "reasonable person", (as opposed to some vindictive, humourless vixen), may determine it to be such, is something you and her will presumably have to argue in the courts. Ain't life fun....?

The new Bill, due for its final report stage in the House of Commons on Friday, will make it an offence to cause “intentional harassment, alarm or distress” to a person in public based on their sex. Offenders will face a maximum of two years in jail.

However, campaigners said there was a loophole in the proposals that would let offenders escape prosecution by claiming they thought their behaviour was welcome, even if any other reasonable person felt it was not.

Mrs Braverman has now accepted their concerns and is backing an amendment that will close the loophole, by requiring a “reasonableness test” where a defendant “ought to know” their behaviour amounted to harassment.

This means anyone who catcalls, wolf-whistles or makes a pass or sexual comment towards a woman that a “reasonable” person would feel amounts to harassment will no longer be able to claim it was meant as a compliment or joke. Police will be issued with guidance so they can enforce the law.

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Nothing new there. It's basically Section 5 of the Public Order Act, with a twist of sexual offence added for good measure, I imagine.

I don't subscribe to The Telegraph, so can't read the article.
Common sense would usually prevail on a case by case basis surely if it came to that?
I know of women that have said they absolutely detest being wolf whistled at or beeped at etc. You have to put yourself in their shoes. A women walking alone at night and a car full of lads beep and shout stuff out the car at you...it can make women panic and feel threatened and like they are a piece of meat. I can imagine it feels horrible yeah so...
It's hardly going to make people end up in court over approaching a women in a bar is it? Wait...is it? ;)
I don't disagree with the idea of it at all, some people (men, women, others) just don't know when they've long jumped over the line of "normal" behaviour.

I think the issue with these sort of things come from the fact what one person deems reasonable can be another's worst nightmare.
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Wouldn’t bother me, it would still make me feel better.

I remember my mum telling me that in the 80’s, she couldn’t walk past a building site or scaffolding without being wolf whistled. Never bothered her at all.
So imagine something that did bother or make you feel threatened would that be ok
thank god that the police have lots of time and resources to investigate this terrible crime of cat calling (which i am not defending, i know its stupid to cat call and not approprate, maybe just a £30 fine instead?) rather than going after those pesky burglars/rapists/murderers/thiefs

I feel so much better now :rolleyes:
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What if it was a van full of munters

Wouldn’t bother me, it would still make me feel better.

I remember my mum telling me that in the 80’s, she couldn’t walk past a building site or scaffolding without being wolf whistled. Never bothered her at all.
My wife doesn't mind it either, but just hates getting made jump by car horns.

Have you seen the jump scares on youtube? There's a classic one where a women gets made jump by a car horn and throws her milk into orbit. :)
Everyone will end up with Google Glasses (or Apple prob) type thing just to record their interactions as a defence, a bit like a dashcam but for your mug.

What a world it'll be for my lad.

Have you seen the film Minority Report? :)
You've just described a similar state of things in a futuristic based life in that movie. Worth a watch.
Looks like my go to chat up line of "Are you a goer?", may have to be retired.... Presumably I will now have to get my solicitor to draft some letter of polite and tentative expression of interest to be sent registered post to any filly in a short skirt that gets the old blood flowing :(
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If you fancy some bint...
...as opposed to some vindictive, humourless vixen
That trauma sounds deep - are you OK @Chris Wilson? Do you need a hug buddy? :)

Why would you wolf whistle anyway
Quite. It reeks of insecurities in the ability to talk to the opposite sex that then gets brushed off by betacucks as "bants". It's odd behaviour all around.
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