Has salt been demonised?

31 May 2005
Personally, I use salt whenever I can, well, sea salt flakes, yum.

I just do not understand the "anti salt" brigade.

Surely it has only become a problem owing to the amount used in processed foods to compensate for the lack of ANYTHING remotely tasteful.

(Goes off to make chicken and mash, and yes, salt will be used to season both with double cream in the mash, oh the horror).
Yes it has, due to things like this:


Excessive salt intake is bad and for a while a lot of diet foods were overloaded with salt to make up for the lack of flavour due to reduced fat content. Salting things yourself is fine though and you shouldn't feel bad doing it.

edit: MSG gets a similar rep, even though it is arguably "less bad" for you than salt.
It's because of all the processed crap people eat is loaded with it so adding any to home cooking is seen as bad as it can easily be cut out. Everything is good in moderation.

The larger granules of rock salt/etc can be good for certain things. For instance, churrasco style beef and the like. Having crunchy salty bits stuck to the outside of the meat tastes amazing.
I salt whatever needs salting. I don't see it being an issue as I hardly every buy processed crap so I'm almost always in full control of my intake.

You're definitely right about it being demonised though.
I couldn't imagine not having salt in the cupboard, its the same as everything else if you abuse it it will come back and kick you in the arse.
I use salt in practically everything. I ladle it in, but still manage to get less salt in than in processed food.

My preference is rock salt. The thing with table salt is that the anti-caking agent is sodium-based but not salty tasting, so you have to use more of it to get the same level of seasoning, thus higher sodium intake.
I never add it to anything anymore (except fish and chips) you get used to it not being there and use other flavours instead. There really is no need, it's just something you are used to.
I never add it to anything anymore (except fish and chips) you get used to it not being there and use other flavours instead. There really is no need, it's just something you are used to.

I disagree. There are some things that cry out for salt to enhance the flavour. Potatoes in any form (mash without salt is just wrong). Tomatoes, bread, cheeses, most sauces etc etc.

Salt isn't the problem, in fact it makes up an important part of our palette. The problem lies with crappy processed food that abuses it.
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