Has Vegan activism jumped the shark?

meanwhile in the UK in real life
... radio this am vegan activists initmidating farmers attending norwich live-stock auctions - apparently they can legitimately pause traffic, take photos, be abusive,
new highway code rules don't address this or police/criminalevidence act - like Greenham common again .

sadder for those young vegan women living their best life on oatley (tomorrows tobacco indusry) who maybe inadvertently setting themselves up for bone or foetel-health issues
He said women in older age groups were also more at risk from deficiencies than men. Analysis of the government-funded National Diet and Nutrition Survey revealed that 11 per cent of males aged 11 to 18, 54 per cent of females aged 11 to 18 and 27 per cent of females aged 19 to 64 consumed less than the minimum recommended level of iron. Only 2 per cent of males aged 19 to 64 consumed less than the minimum recommended level of iron. Red meat is a source of iron, though it is also found in beans and nuts
And here we go, death threats to someone who wants to make the world a better place. You sound more unhinged than the vegan activist in the OP

I mean if you're seriously attempting to call him out for "death threats" then that's about at the same level that your "antisemitism" is worth being called out at too tbh...
Is everyone sure it's not a joke - There is even a person of stereotypical 'soyboy' appearance sitting right behind her during the speech :D
'jumped the shark'?

SMH, when will our specesist culture stop appropriating animal names for its sexist and homophobic white idioms, so wrong.

Am I doing it right? :p

The actual video seems to come from a student debating union, so hard to know whether the woman was being genuine or not. Still, the fact she's an adult there makes me think she is a guest debater talking about her actual opinions rather than just for the sake of argument. Don't know without the context though.
Like all these things she gets her 5 mins of semi fame and we are all talking about veganism, pro or anti, we are still talking about something that i haven't given a minute to in the past year. Now i have.

Shes quite entertainingly insane though :P
I'm just glad I went to a school where neither the staff nor the audience would have allowed such guff for more than a minute or two without chucking her out on the street. Imagine having to live in the same house as that bint...?
talking about something that i haven't given a minute to in the past year. ...
household-teenagers/tv-adverts/brexit-animal imports ... lot's of stimulus for vegan life-style
I mean if you're seriously attempting to call him out for "death threats" then that's about at the same level that your "antisemitism" is worth being called out at too tbh...

OF course I knew he wasn't serious, but the point is his irrational rhetoric against Greta sounds just as crazy as the vegan activist
I reckon the remainers who pretend that everyone who voted for Brexit is some goose stepping neo nazi are more wacko tbh

Personally I don't know any remainer who through those that voted for Brexit are all Nazis. Rather, we feel sorry for the gullible people who were conned in to voting to make themselves poorer, loose their freedom and make Britain politically impotent and a laughing stock on the world stage. There are of course those conniving conmen who did the duping in order to further promote their own self interests and make billions more while the rest of society is made to suffer.
Rhetoric against Greta is anything but irrational, the woman's a menace and those enraptured by her spiel are placing themselves in an invidious position. Germany have found out the dangers of listening to the hard Green elements with themselves now being beholden to outside fuel suppliers who are allegedly about to start a war that they now feel compelled to ignore, or suffer potential fuel shortages.If the last two years haven't shown the perils of ignoring self sufficiency to nations, I don't know what will.
The actual video seems to come from a student debating union, so hard to know whether the woman was being genuine or not. Still, the fact she's an adult there makes me think she is a guest debater talking about her actual opinions rather than just for the sake of argument. Don't know without the context though.

It's the Oxford Union, she's a real guest/it's a real debate she's not some lecturer or mature student playing a role/side in a mock debate.

She wrote this book in 1990:
The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory
The book is composed of three parts, "The Patriarchal Texts of Meat", "From the Belly of Zeus", and "Eat Rice, Have Faith in Women", as well as an epilogue entitled "Destabilizing Patriarchal Consumption".

I guess she must love the fact that critical race theory and grievance studies/critical theory guff in general, has become so much more prominent in the past few years... her other books sound similarly deranged.
Rhetoric against Greta is anything but irrational, the woman's a menace and those enraptured by her spiel are placing themselves in an invidious position. Germany have found out the dangers of listening to the hard Green elements with themselves now being beholden to outside fuel suppliers who are allegedly about to start a war that they now feel compelled to ignore, or suffer potential fuel shortages.If the last two years haven't shown the perils of ignoring self sufficiency to nations, I don't know what will.

This is complete nonsense. Greta has said nothing about self-sufficiency of energy, and she is certainly apposed to importing fossil fuels! In fact she was very critical of the EU classing gas as green
It's the Oxford Union, she's a real guest/it's a real debate she's not some lecturer or mature student playing a role/side in a mock debate.

She wrote this book in 1990:

I guess she must love the fact that critical race theory and grievance studies/critical theory guff in general, has become so much more prominent in the past few years... her other books sound similarly deranged.
Wow she was really ahead of her time in the worst way possible lol
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