Has your love of technology changed?

Its changed in so much as its almost impossible to buy what I want at the moment, and probably for some considerable time to come.
I was super disappointed moving from s7 to s20fe.

Camera is better. That's about it.
Battery life too but that's because new battery.

One thing that has been a life Changer is my ebike. Best thing I've bought since I can remember
For me the tipping point was being at gigs and noticing more and more of the younger crowd just standing there watching the entire performance through their mobile phone screen instead of moshing/ dancing / generally being there.
The other thing is the whole smart home thing.... whoever managed to convince half the population they need ludicrously expensive multi-coloured lightbulbs in the house is a bloody genius. Yes I'm in my 40s too...
I was super disappointed moving from s7 to s20fe.

Camera is better. That's about it.
Battery life too but that's because new battery.

One thing that has been a life Changer is my ebike. Best thing I've bought since I can remember

You went from 3000 mAh battery with a 14nm SoC to 4500 mAh battery with N7+ SoC.
Not really. My attitude towards necessity has though.
I'm more willing than ever to drop a decent chunk of money on things I want/need, but I also don't want every single piece of junk that comes out like I used to
For me the tipping point was being at gigs and noticing more and more of the younger crowd just standing there watching the entire performance through their mobile phone screen instead of moshing/ dancing / generally being there.
The other thing is the whole smart home thing.... whoever managed to convince half the population they need ludicrously expensive multi-coloured lightbulbs in the house is a bloody genius. Yes I'm in my 40s too...
Basically this. On both points.

Like many people here I was an absolute geek when I was a kid. When I was 12 years old I borrowed a ZX81 from someone (can't remember who/why now). I loved it so much that I got a VIC 20 for Christmas. That dictated the rest of my life with a love of technology and even a career in IT. I would spend 6 hours every day playing games or learning a new programming language. I loved it so much. I rarely got outside and spent every spare minute on the VIC/C64/Amiga/PC/Whatever

Fast forward to today and I'm not only bore of it and hate working in IT but for quite some time I've seen how bad it is making the future. I now prefer to get outside. I love walking, seeing things. I love driving. I love meeting up with friends. I love my motorbike.

The novelty value of new tech as well as interest does tail off as you get older as a kid/teenager I absolutely adored any new tech had to get into everything that was going even if it wasn't all that useful now I'm far more filtered something gets added only if its actually any real value/adds something significant.

The risk of course is there comes a point where it gets away from you and you end up as a caveman living in the modern world like I remember my grandparents. My mother is the same now and I guess I'll go the same way at some point I'm already a dinosaur for not having a smartphone and get astonished/amazed looks when I mention it to people and I have to explain I don't have one not because I'm a technophobe its simply a financial consideration I already pay more than I like for landline broadband and don't want to pay all over again for mobile data etc on top not to mention the price of the phones. But its getting harder and harder to not have one these days its simply expected.
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