
13 Aug 2007
Absolutely charming looking little game, this one :D

Out next year (provided it isn't banned!). Epic Games have already distanced themselves from it and the game's developers hope to release it through Steam as they reckon publishers won't touch it with a barge pole.

I'm not particularly shocked by it or anything but I don't really see the need for games like this either, postal was skating a thin line as was.
Erm............ riiiiigggggghhhhhttt.

So basically it's a pretty kill everything game, while I'm sure it will have some good content I can see like postal, it will get very old very fast.

Besides really don't like that birds eye view style.
I can't see this getting released, which is a shame as despite it being very graphic, it's the same old argument, it's just a game.

The devs have clearly put a lot of effort into making the game from the footage we have seen so it would be a shame it was all for nothing. Kind of like the game Thrill Kill on the PS One many years ago.

I'm sure it will get banned in Germany though, they don't like games that involve shooting the rozzers.
Wow that looks a bit.......Strong to say the least. Can already see the mainstream media sheep hammering this game. Id give it a go tho just for the sake of it, good way 2 relive stress haha, should be able to put all the annoying politicians in it. :p
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