Have I got the idea of overclocking right - opty

22 Dec 2002
Hello all

I've got a KN8 Ultra and an opty 144. So far this is what I've done -

Increased core voltage a smidgen
Dropped ram speed to ddr333 and upped the FSB to 310

If I managed to work out this HTT stuff correctly then I need to keep the speed of that link around 2000? So in theory the multiplier for that should be 3x as 4x would be too much?

Cheers for any help :)
apparently it's best to try get it as close to 1000 as poss, going over can create problems and even corrupt windows boot file i read !
i have mine at 266X3 just now and notice no difference from when i had it on 4X266
then again i have only been overclocking for a few weeks and know next to nothing :D
But 4 x 266 is closer to 1000 than 3 x 266 is.

Edit- This could be why I couldn't get 280HTT stable as it'd be at 1120? I'll try 3x and report back:)
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