I'll preface this with.. Excluding pension.
Today my isa hit a threshold that I didn't think I'd reach for a while.
Its that number I've had in my head... When I hit this I can probably stop saving as much.
I'll put an absolute number on it as it is probably relevant. 50k
Its a years salary.
I'm a natural saver and find it difficult to even think about "stopping" or cutting back.
This is going to sound like nothing to some and a lot to others
This last 18 months has been a bit of a game changer for me. Seeing people pass away and having an illness my self that scared me to death. And that I've not made most of time.
I'm sat here thinking.. Do I need to save anymore? My parents are wealthy but miserable. I don't want to make same mistakes.
Do other people even ask themselves this? As I seem to encounter 2 sets of people. Those who always save.. Always wanting a bigger bank balance.
Vs those who absolutely don't or can't and live life with no safety net.
As I'm never having kids dying with money is an absolute waste. Which I suppose is a background motivator for many.
As spending goes.. I don't spend much really. Especially not on what the typical person does. I have no desire for a new car. Or a big house. Or many of the other typical things. They literally don't interest me anymore.
I max out my holiday allowance and go on nice ones I enjoy.. But I'd love more time. And that's where the spare goes.
I'm never gonna save 1mln. But also.. What will 100k get me 50k won't? Nothing important?
Obviously this money isn't "throw in your job and live the dream"..but more and more I getting tempted with "what's next" I think it's contracting.
Modest savings don't really allow you to retire early. You need mega money for that. And tbh, sitting around at home being old sounds like torture.
Not sure what reaction this thread is going to get if I'm honest. Ideally some views from people who have gone against the norm!
The same is true at all times in life - you must have a target. A plan. The must be something you are working towards. Only then can you answer the question "how much?".
My family didn't have targets. They saved and saved, and eventually died leaving a ton of money to people they never intended, without ever achieving anything. That is unless their target was making random people wealthy, in which case they all succeeded brilliantly.
You certainly don't need mega money to retire early. It entirely depends how much you spend. If all you need is a little bungalow close to the shops and to pursue hobbies then a little is a lot. If you want to retire to that cottage with a view of the sun setting on the ocean then a lot is not enough.
Make a plan. Then you will know.