Have you been permanently banned from any forums?

Not that I know of. Had a few suspensions on here a long time ago. I think the mods used to be a bit overzealous back then.
Got banned from a Facebook group for people against the organ opt out scheme after calling them a bunch of selfish, demented, conspiracy theory loving pathetic nutcases, which they were.
Think so. Tough to tell. Forum is on old tech, and has a prima donna running it. For the past year? or so they've said the owners are going to close it down soon, then there's always been a magical reprieve. Then they said it's really really happening, in 2 weeks. So someone made a new shiny forum for us to move to instead. Many of us moved there. Then when once again, there was a magical reprieve, quite a few of us said we weren't going back, and a few said we were tired of the dramatics.

As if by total coincidence, our accounts were logged out, our passwords didn't work, and now the retrieve password/reset password email system doesn't seem to work (no email is actually sent).
Pistonheads literally 5 minutes after making an account. Made a single post asking a question on brake pads (completely innocent), got banned with no reason given lol

Didnt bother with the site after that.

Not that you can actually perm ban someone from a public forum. They can simply make a new account.

Not missing out on much, I banned myself on PH by blind resetting the password because it's full of autistic 'company directors'. The last straw was being called stuck up for complaining that two service techs took my car out for a joyride when they had no reason to, and I was 'up myself' for wanting them to lose their jobs.

Been permabanned from here for being a little ****.
Na, although got banned yesterday from a twitch channel for commenting on some graffiti in that portland riot....

It said "the only good cop is a dead cop" so I said, "hmmm thats rational" *Banned from chat*

I requested a ban from here on an account years ago so I could focus on my end of year work and exams at uni - turned out pretty permanent as I didnt have access to the email acoount to sort it by the time I was ready to come back iirc :p
I've had some entertaining short term ones on here. Also had some that stank a little. My personal favourite was for insulting a non-forum member.
I got banned from a facebook group called Grumpy Expats. It's a huge group full of expats, which is pretty funny about people grumping about things in their host country and you have to respect people's grumps, as it's a place to just vent. I don't know what offence I caused to get banned, but got kicked out and not allowed back in :D probably argued with someone, but I asked by messaging admins and they never explained. Hey ho!
Ha this group is renowned for banning people. I am in a spin off group that is formed from a large percentage of these banned members. A much friendlier bunch for sure!
A photography forum where I unknowingly upset the admin/site owner. Out of the blue one day I found myself permabanned and an email from him saying I had been getting on his nerves for months and months and he should have perhaps said something earlier but the final straw was when I took a photo of him when he was teaching a group of photographers and posted his picture on the forum with the phrase "Funny who you bump into when you have travelled 60 miles to middle to nowhere!". It was literally a total coincidence that I bumped into him and his group that day.

Decided to not even bother replying as clearly he was unhinged.

Was that talkphotography ?
10+ years ago on a piracy forum
You have been permanently banned.
Reason: it would appear that you're set on ruining everything for yourself and others in the process, so be it.

actually could have been they were using a workaround for some online game I played so they could play with a cracked copy and I said I was going to inform the devs of how it worked :P
Perma-banned from a US "military authors supporters" site way back early 1999 (been on it since 1995 after reading Richard Marcinko) when a pro-Irish "Freedom Fighters" thread went up with a surprising amount of positive comments for the IRA from people who were supposedly "veterans" (including the site owner), quite a few who'd fought the '91 Gulf War and other Ops along side UK troops yet were apparently happy to see those same troops and numerous innocent civilians getting killed in NI.

Just the amount of incredibly bad misinformation, slight untruths and then outright lies was amazing! My favourite myth was that "they'd been told by a friend back in Ireland" that it was "legal", only after an attack on the military, for patrols to drag random people (including children) from their homes and execute them in the streets as a warning to the rest, like some kind of WW2 SS soldiers might do - Just the insanity of claims like that etc!
Perma banned from amouranths twitch stream for saying that they were taking advantage of kids and teenagers and their money, by flaunting her body when she has a boyfriend and has no intention of being obtainable to anyone, although giving that illusion.
making snarky little quips like that would prove otherwise it would seem, as from my example alone it shows you don't have to be infantile to get banned if some jumped up power-tripping mod takes the hump w/ you.
Exactly. Loads of people got banned from here then let back a good while after. I think Everyone that posted in 1 thread, i don't even remember tbh. It was quite bizarre. Major power trip.

If anyone can remember the details?
making snarky little quips like that would prove otherwise it would seem, as from my example alone it shows you don't have to be infantile to get banned if some jumped up power-tripping mod takes the hump w/ you.

Although, it having happened on 'lots' of forums as per your post does beg the question whether any blame attaches to yourself? ;)
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