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Have you ever had a CPU die on you?

Not died me but had an Athlon XP which kept on crashing. Turned out to be a bad CPU and showing the signs of it going.
No never had a cpu die on me. Have an old Dell I bought about 13 years ago the still chuggs away! I've had to replace the GPU, HDD and PSU on that but CPU is still going strong!
Had a motherboard die due to leaking electrolytic caps, and an Athlon XP 2600+ eventually become unable to overclock any more, although, that could have been down to the other motherboard that was on also having issues with caps.

Killed an AMD Duron by cracking the die.

But never had a CPU fail or wear out!
Nope, I think I read somewhere they're rated for 10 year + lifetime? Long after they're obsolete anyway.

Mum's PC has a 10 year old E6600 still going fine. I've had a gfx card DOA and a b-grade card die after a couple months, as well as a suspect replacement. I've had a PSU blow up on me and nearly kill the motherboard but the CPU survived intact.

Pretty nigh on indestructible in my experience.
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My current cpu is an old q9550 running at 4ghz. It was second hand when I bought it so no idea what abuse it had before me. All good and will probably be obsolete before it goes pop.
Not me personally but we have had a few in the shop for repair over the years.

Lately it's more user error when fitting them then a CPU actually dying.
AMD 955BE died on me, never overclocked and always ran at stock voltage.

I had an old Intel T2300 that would cause BSOD in the laptop it was in, also did the same on an ITX mobo that supported it.

Think CPUs are pretty robust in general though.
Yeah my friend's FX 6300 died. We went out to get some drinks, came back and the computer had shut down and would not boot back up. Checked all the other components and it turned out to be the CPU. Wasn't overclocked either
my 3770k died on me. the imc couldn't handle 4x4gb ram @ 2400mhz /sadface
intel were very good with their rma though. couldn't fault them. got a new cpu within 5 days
An athlon xp died on me I took the heatsink off and it was like a black tar had leaked from it.
Nope, they get less efficient and the overclocks start to fall but never had one just fail. Killed a few with condensation though :).
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