Have you ever had to sell you're pride and joy?

23 Nov 2007
Have you ever had to sell your pride and joy?

So now i've hit the ripe old age of 30years old, it has suddenly dawned upon me that i need to sell my beloved Rx7. I don't 'have' to sell it, but there has been quite a few things on my mind encompassing 'life' and such. I've had the car for 6 years now, and out of all those years, i've probably drove it for just 3 years solid. The rest of the time it's sat on the driveway gathering dust.

To get it to the standard that i wanted it to be at, i would need to spend around £1.5k to make it a perfect example again. I wanted to turn it into a non road legal track car, but that would involve a further £3-4k.

That would include...
A car trailer to tow it to events
A car to tow it with
Professionally fitted roll cage
Fire extinguisher system
suspension and brake modifications
More power (bigger injectors, fuel pump singe turbo etc etc.

I'm absolutley heartbroken that it's had to come to this. I've just got too many other things to spend money on and i find it pretty depressing that my pipe dream has failed to materialise.

The main reason for this thread is a bit of a vent really. It's time to grow up and find other things to occupy my mind.

Has anyone else had big plans only for them to gradually collapse , sink and die? How did you cope with it all? and do you regret it, or was it for the better?

I know some of you may think i'm just being daft. This is just one little thing that's on my mind right now, but i would rather not say what they are right now :)

On the bright side, ive got plans ;) A nice fast bike and something like fox's beemer sounds good.
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A few years ago I was going to take my car test, my dad told me about his friend that had a couple of Dolomite Sprints. We went to look at them, one was in pretty good shape, we bought it for £400. Did a few bits to it, got it almost good to go, but my dad bought an Integrale EVO 1, and it needed to go in the garage. I was fannying about with my driving, not really putting the effort in, so we sold the Dolly for £350 I think.

The guy had it MOTd and rolling in less than a week.

Fast forward about five years, I've had my bike license three years, get my car license. Now I hanker for a dolly again. They're all two grand plus!

If I'd just pulled my ****ing finger out I could have been driving around in my beloved Dolly sprint, but I was too young and lazy :(

I bitterly regret it, not having pulled my finger out and got it done, but life goes on. I'll have one again hopefully, but it'll be a while before I can justify that sort of money on an old car.
My dad has managed to keep his toy for 22 years now :o He's had the thing longer than he's had me!

It can done if you have both the space and the money, I don't have the space atm, but it doesn't stop me hankering after a Mk1 faileista with a 1.8 Zetec-E conversion :cool:

Convince the other half she needs a big estate/4x4 with a towbar ;) The rest can be done as and when. It'd be a shame to see it go, sounds like a beautiful car :)
Not quite the same but I had to sell my ST200 a few years ago to fund a house deposit. It was the right thing to do and I couldnt be happier with the house we have now but it was an absolute minter of an example and made me smile everytime I drove it.

I drove around in a free bag of bolts for as long as I could and eventually got a mk3 V6 zetec s which has the sound but not the fun and speed of the st200.

Try seeing what happens when you're made redundant and your salary drops by 2/3rds whilst trying to find an appropriate replacement job. That doesn't just scupper any car plans, also buggers up holidays, hi-fi upgrades, dinners outs etc etc.
My Anglia is my pride and joy I guess, but it's broken again at the moment and I ought to shift it on so I can concentrate on the other car. I've tried to sell it but last time I got posessive about it when a guy came round and I made sure he didn't buy it :D
I got rid of my CTR in October as my partner wanted to go to uni so the money was needed and I got my £1500 MX-5 shed. A month ago we split up, and now I miss my CTR :(

I'm gonna save for an S2000 once the finer details of the house are sorted out (So im no longer paying for it!). Should be good to be honest!
I sold my old e38 BMW 7 Series, which I loved, and used most of the money to pay for a holiday that I'd promised my GF when she was well enough to go - she was quite ill at the time.

I don't regret it for a minute even if I do miss the car. :)

I wonder if Sone regrets selling his old Mondeo to my GF? - She promptly smashed it up.... :p:D:D:D
My self and the O/H were involved in an head on car crash in 2006 and the light is dawning that I must sell my BMW R1150GS (motorbike if you didn't know) as injuries to my leg and it not bending more than 90º will stop me from riding it. I could struggle with it but if I break the leg again it will have to come off as there is still a steel plate in it the full length of my femur.:(

Only bright side is picking up a new (to me) E92 to replace it but the bike will be missed as it was my dream bike and we had some good years on it.

A few years ago I was going to take my car test, my dad told me about his friend that had a couple of Dolomite Sprints. We went to look at them, one was in pretty good shape, we bought it for £400. Did a few bits to it, got it almost good to go, but my dad bought an Integrale EVO 1, and it needed to go in the garage. I was fannying about with my driving, not really putting the effort in, so we sold the Dolly for £350 I think.

The guy had it MOTd and rolling in less than a week.

Fast forward about five years, I've had my bike license three years, get my car license. Now I hanker for a dolly again. They're all two grand plus!

If I'd just pulled my ****ing finger out I could have been driving around in my beloved Dolly sprint, but I was too young and lazy :(

I bitterly regret it, not having pulled my finger out and got it done, but life goes on. I'll have one again hopefully, but it'll be a while before I can justify that sort of money on an old car.

I used to love those cars, with the mini Triumph Stag alloys :)
Yeah sold my Pulsar GTi-R to make way for my house. At the time I didn't regret it much, I had my fun. I really miss it now though, in fact I miss all my old cars. I'd like a garage with all my old cars sitting in it just waiting to be driven, even my first car a Fiesta 1.6S :D
Sold my 206 GTi......

....wait, don't actually regret that too much :D

Do regret selling my old XE Astra's though, had a lot of fun in those :)
Part of me would love something faster! But id really hate to see my spitfire go :(

My dads desperate to transplant one of his vitesses into it.. Engine/Gearbox etc!

Likelyhood is when i get a full time job il have to sell it to fund an mx5!

Theres a reasonable chance id be stupid and run 2 cars >.>

Not looking forward to decision day :(
Part of me regrets not getting something a bit mad but financially I'm sure I am better off because of it.

I'm constantly tempted to buy myself something fun to drive and without a roof but in reality it isn't a good idea for many reasons.
Sold my 206 GTi......

....wait, don't actually regret that too much :D

Do regret selling my old XE Astra's though, had a lot of fun in those :)

Still has a burning desire for an XE (or LET'd) Astra. Even though I know it will be terrible! But I can't help it. I have this dream image of what it would end up like!
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