Have you slaughtered and skinned an animal?

29 Jun 2004
It's easy buying meat from a butcher, but have you killed one for yourself? Is it a case of going out in the woods with your sharpest knife and taking your pick? (Obviously you wouldn't kill a cow which is owned by a farmer etc).

I've been invited by my work collague to skin a rabbit - which I accepted. Not sure what I've let myself in for tbh. I'm not faint hearted at all, just worried I'll make a mess of it.

And finally, since we're talking about knives, I've been itching to post this in a knife related topic so here you go:

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I raised two turkeys for christmas 2009. I took them to my uncles (who is a farmer) to slaughter, he did one and I did the other, then plucked them, he then showed me how to draw them (is that the right word?). It was pretty straight forward but I'm glad I was shown how, I wouldn't have wanted them to suffer.
Killed animals though (mixi rabbits)
And also worked in a slaughter house, wasn't allow to kill them :(. Just carting stuff around, or on primal cut hanging the legs on to hooks.
Yes, from rabbits to deer and pigeon to pheasant. You'll struggle to catch anything with just a knife though!

Rabbits are easy. Will it be paunched (gutted) or will you have to get Mr Rabbits insides out?

Good luck :)
Helped my papa up in scotland do a pig from his farm a few years back. Despite all these tree huggers saying they suffer... This pig had it better than I do! Raised properly and free in a field, well fed, very friendly and healthy as anything...

Died quickly and painlessly.

Tasted bloody brilliant!

About 3 weeks ago on my mates property in the outback we slaughtered, skinned and butchered several lambs. An incredibly enlightening experienced and the best tasting lamb I've had.

I've also watched another friend do the same with a cow on his property. They have so many thousands of them and are so far from town it's the most cost effective.
Yup, raised a turkey type bird (I'm sure it was called a capon or something) while at school and had to kill it, pluck it and gut it, was xmas dinner. Other than that I've done a few fish and rabbits.
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Shot and Skinned a few Rabbits before. Pretty easy tbh :)

Also helped Kill some home reared Geese for Christmas last year, I ended up having a go with the last one. I'm glad I didn't have to pluck it though!!!
We raised 5 chickens, killed them at home ourselves, plucked and gutted them. They were some of the best tasting chickens I've ever had and I'll do it again one day. I want to raise a pair of weaners and takem to abbatoir next.
Ive shot pheasants, grouse, partridge, rabbits and pigeons, skinned/plucked and prepared them all. Used to do a spot of fishing and cleaned and prepared my catch as well.
Used to go airrifle shooting when I was younger so killed and skinned quite a few things: rabbit, pheasant, pigeon etc. Most of it was done without any supervision or instruction bar the internet which is quite impressive for a 15 year old!

Anyway, nothing to worry about, just don't pierce the bladder ;).
I've killed cleaned and eaten quite a few different birds and animals. There's a technique to each one really, once you've done them a couple of times you're set. Just try not to breathe in too deeply until you're used to it :)
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