#Chri5# said:
Is running twice a week going to be enough to see a good improvement? My target date is the 1st April and I want to be around 10km in an hour by then.
I'd definitely get it up to 3 runs a week.
10k is 6 miles which means 10 minute miling for an hour.
10 minute miling isn't exactly quick and its the speed I normally run at over distance.
Throw your watch away or start it 5 mins after you start and don't get obsessed with beating your time but instead run the same route and when you get to your finish try and add 5 minutes of running on. If the finish is your home then run 2.5 mins past it and 2.5 mins coming back. Do this for your 3 runs that week.
The following week, yes you've guessed, run another 5 minutes further.
Before long you will easily be able to run for one hour.
To be honest I reckon if you run at your pace for one hour you will be very close to 10k (6.2 miles).
Are you sure the distance you ran is 2.5k? It could be longer. You can use Google Earth to plot your distance and its quite accurate.
I start from Bailey Rd in Blurton, run down to the britannia Stadium, onto Stanley Matthews Way, down to Trentham Rd, down to the Canal by Trentham Hotel, along the canal, up by the new bridge by the Britannia and back home. I always estimated for years that it was 5.75 miles long and I was spot on when I mapped it with Google Earth.
Funny story from last week - people and distances.
I got to the main Stanley Matthews gate and I was breathing a bit heavy and a couple walking their dog made a comment. I asked them how far they had done and they said 6 miles. I asked where from and they said 'top of Central Drive'. Now Central drive can basically be seen from where we were and I told them they had walked a max of 1.5 miles there and back. Of course they wouldn't have it and truly believed they had gone 6 miles.
One skill you will pick up over the next few weeks is distances and a mile is a lot longer than what the average person thinks it is.