Yes you did. it was at 4.2 when I gave it to you.
Stop complaining you plankhead
I tried loading you profiles as well and doing an OC myself, not working:/
Yes you did. it was at 4.2 when I gave it to you.
Stop complaining you plankhead
I tried loading you profiles as well and doing an OC myself, not working:/
Hmmm.. there are two avronyms for what you are experiencing. What were they?
hmmm... oy yeah!
I could have scrounged it
pfft! The benefit system is stressed as it is!
pfft! The benefit system is stressed as it is!
BTW, I recommend you get some Enermax apollishes! Just put two of mine in (it hurt A LOT) and they look amazing!!!
Really good. Trying to get the last two in without taking my heatsink off.
YES! another fan in.
Anyone interested in pics by any chance?
Yup, isn't the iPhone terrible for pictures
How much are they? I'm stuck between those and Silverstone Air Penetrators...
WANT. Just need to get me some money...
shuddup. £26 seems a bit much though
Don't care. It's what u owe me