HAX F liquid cooling and build log

It's just occurred to me that we don't have any pictures of it in its current state:
We couldn't get the plug off the 580 block so we didn't put the 8800gtx in as it would make for some awkward and probably dangerous wiring. We haven't put the side on either as the tubing coming out of the 580 like it does the side wouldn't go on without a few risks. The res is sticking out the front of course, but everything works.

Next coming in the summer (August-y time), it'll be in a Xigmatek Elysium and it'll have 2x 2.5gb 570s instead of the 580
I feel the need to bang my head against my desk countless times, I could point out various things that can be easily improved...................
send it to me then and I'll finish it for you, you don't even need to send the parts, other than the case and watercooling :p
Ok, latest update:
We've taken the 580 out and put the 570s in under air. Surround gaming isn't currently working, and when I attempt to put it in the highest res is 3084x768. The internet seems to suggest that it's because the sync polarity is different between the monitors (The middle monitor is different to the other monitors). It may not be that, but that's the only explanation I've been able to find
And this boys and girls is why cleecoooo should not be allowed to venture into watercooling

what a disaster

Don't worry,a ll will be put right!

Cleeecoo that was not made by me, have just had cupra and his girlfriend over and spotted what he did as they were leaving ..... i wouldnt publicly take the micky ..... dont worry though by the time he gets home he will realise what me and there lass were upto in the kitchen so i would say were even :D
Maybe if Cupra wasn't so obsessed with criticising me, he'd actually realise that cyber **** had messed up quite a bit and i wasted a lot of time putting it right :/
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